Tuesday, November 3, 2015

36 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

It's doctor appointment day! We're down to weekly appointments and today, your daddy and I met the last doctor at the office. She did an exam and told us that my body is starting to prepare to meet you! Things are changing and thinning and growing, so that's pretty exciting. Your heartbeat sounded good - we got to listen for about a minute or so, which was neat. We always love hearing your little heart, beating so strong.

Then tonight, for date night, we ordered a pizza (which was delicious!) and just relaxed at home.. until we saw the Northern Lights dancing outside! Then we drove up to Hatcher's Pass to watch them. That was fun. They were green and pink, just streaking across the night sky, right by the Big Dipper. I hadn't seen them like that in years, if ever, and was just amazed. Your daddy and I thin kit would be awesome if they came out on the night you are born, too, but we'll see. That also sparked a conversation about whether or not there were Northern Lights the night Christ was born. Perhaps not in Bethlehem, but maybe elsewhere in the world...

Out our apartment window.
These nights - of just me and your daddy - are fleeting, so we're trying to soak them all in while we can.

I'm glad tonight was relaxed - the rest of the week will be crazy as we finish preparing for the Fall Festival and Winter Clothing Giveaway!


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