Wednesday, May 31, 2017

34 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

I cried the whole way home from your appointment today.

Donna, who we have been seeing regularly for your whole pregnancy and all of Ruth's, left Generations Medical. We have to start seeing a new doctor... with just 6 weeks left in our prenatal care!! We are completely in the dark as to what happened with Donna. The doctor they rescheduled me with is named Dr. Moss. We looked her up on Facebook and, after some time and prayer, I'm actually really excited to meet her. We believe that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). So we believe that this last-minute change in providers is for our good! For some reason, Dr. Moss needs to be the one providing our care for the last month or so. And now, we are praying that we can be a blessing to her during these last appointments. We are praying that when we meet her, we just hit it off and have a great working relationship.

In other news, your appointment went well - your heart rate was around 150 BPM and you seem strong and healthy. Yay!

Baby girl, no matter what happens, we are trusting the Lord and His plans. He is always good.


Monday, May 29, 2017

34 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

I am SO thankful that I'm home from work today for Memorial Day. I've been so so sick this weekend (my birthday weekend!!). I skipped church yesterday and just slept. And today, all I've wanted to do is rest. I have a prescription that I'm taking, just in case I have some kind of illness/infection and not just allergies. I hope it works!

Today you are 34 weeks! We are just about a month and a half away from meeting you, little girl! You are growing bigger and bigger (and moving more and more!) so the amniotic fluid in my tummy is diminishing to make room for you. You close your eyes while you sleep and have them open when you're awake. Hopefully you'll be doing lots of snoozing when you are born! That coating on your skin will be coming off soon so that when you're born you'll be all sorts of cuddly. You weigh about five pounds now and are about a foot and a half long.

We haven't put together your cradle. We haven't installed your carseat. We haven't brought the newborn clothes up from the crawl space. And yet, our hearts are open wide and we can't wait to meet you.


Friday, May 26, 2017

33 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today is my birthday! Mimi and Papa left today for Oregon, I cried, Daddy and I got coffee and went for a drive with Ruthie, and we had College and Career Bible study!

We celebrated last night, so our only big thing today was having peach cobbler with our small group. It. Was. Delicious. Your daddy is the best baker ever!

I'm 29 now; almost 30! I don't know where I expected to be at age 29... honestly, I don't know that I ever thought of it. But here's where our family is now, at this age:
  • We own a house (well, the bank does... but we're working on it!)
  • One baby on the outside and one (you!) on the inside
  • A healthy emergency fund
  • A good job that more than meets our needs
  • A loving local church
  • Friends who are like family
In the last year, this is what has happened:
  • We bought a house
  • We found out you were coming
  • We went to Hawaii
  • We celebrated our first Christmas with just our little family
In the next year, this is what we anticipate happening:
  • You!!
  • Praying more about adoption and preparing to move forward with it
  • Mission trip to Ghana
  • Christmas in Oregon
I hope, Clara, that you dream big for every year of your life. Find your passion and pursue it regularly. Don't be fearful. Be brave in the Lord.

I love you.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

33 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today is my birthday eve! But I took tomorrow off work and (since it's Memorial Day weekend) I have Monday off, too. And we have no plans for Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. None.

*high five*


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

33 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts #2,

We had a family date night tonight! After a quick stop at JoAnn (where I bought some linen to make a ring sling for you) and dropping off my pre-registration paperwork at the hospital (!!!!), we ate dinner at Noisy Goose and snagged some ice cream from Dairy Queen. We drove the long way home and enjoyed just being together.

I finished a blanket for you tonight! It's purple nubby fabric, with a pretty floral flannel border. I told daddy, "This is the blanket I want to take to the hospital when Clara is born." And he agreed.

It's crazy that we're at the point where we almost need to start packing for the hospital! The duffel bag that we took when Ruth was born was in poor shape, so we threw it away. We'll need to decide on a different bag to take this time.

Next month, we'll install your car seat, pack the hospital bag, I'll write out new verses to use during labor, and we'll be in our final countdown to meeting you!

Less than two months, Clara Boo.


Monday, May 22, 2017

33 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

33 weeks! Less than two months! You're drinking my amniotic fluid, gaining weight quickly, and running out of space in my tummy. I can often feel your foot on my right-side still, and your little butt jutting out to the left. You're nearly a foot and a half long and about 4 pounds. Your weight could still double before you are born!

We talked a lot about your development Friday night, which was funny and random. Ms. Lesley is interviewing to work at a midwifery, so I was telling her about my experiences. Then the college and career students started asking about your progress, what your body is like now, whether or not your eyes are open... and I got so excited being able to tell them how you've changed and developed.

I've had bad leg cramps recently, in the middle of the night. I know I need some good rest, but things are so busy lately that it's hard to get it. I really need to just commit to sleep and rest before you get here. I know I can't "store it up" for the days following your birth, but I can at least be more prepared!

Mimi and Papa are still living with us - but I think they want to head out this week. Then we'll sneak into your room, do some redecorating, and try getting things organized for you.

We love you, Clara. Come when you're ready, baby girl. There's a big world ready to meet you!


Saturday, May 20, 2017

32 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

By mid-afternoon today, your daddy and I needed a break. We hopped in the Jeep with Ruth, grabbed some coffee frappes (and an apple juice box) from Starbucks, and drove north. Ruth fell asleep and we were able to talk, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and just be.

It. Was. Awesome.

All along the way, I felt you kicking and wiggling in my tummy. I was so happy you could be there with us, too, in your own little way.

Family adventures are one of our favorites. We can't wait to have you in your carseat in the back, along for the ride on the outside.


Friday, May 19, 2017

32 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

It's Friday! Some of the blogs I like to read always do a "Friday Favorites" post... so I thought I'd join in today! Here are some of my favorites this week:

1. The tile for our wood stove is done! Today, daddy and papa are putting in the grout and we may pick up the stove itself today. Then we can ask Mr. Fred to help get it installed this weekend or early next week. It will (hopefully) be all done by my birthday next week!
Tiling is done!
2. My 32 week bump picture has me feeling large and in charge! It's so hard for me to bend over (in fact, Daddy had to tighten my sandal straps this morning), so I know you are growing bigger every day. Yesterday, I glanced in the mirror and it looked like you had dropped a little bit. I felt you wiggling in my hips, so who knows what you're doing now!
You and mama!
3. Ruth would NOT go to sleep last night, Clara boo! We tried for about an hour before throwing our hands up in the air and letting her run around and play for a little bit. She started walking around the house like this:
Arms crossed, walking around the living room.
It's so fun watching her personality develop, but we are so excited to see yours develop, too! I can't wait to see what makes you laugh, what makes you feel upset, etc. I am so excited to see what you love and what your favorite toys are.

4. The Friday Fling starts today! If it doesn't rain, I'm going to try and meet Mimi, Papa, Daddy, and Ruth at lunch time. Hooray! I love this time of year, when the tourists come out and so do the local vendors. There's always cute baby things there, too :)

5. My doctor's appointment this week was another favorite. Hearing your heartbeat is always a highlight of my week. And now, with the end of this pregnancy approaching, we'll get to hear you more and more often. Hooray!

I hope you had a good week too, Clara Boo, wiggling around in my tummy. I love you to the moon and can't wait to have you on the outside.

All my love,

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

32 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Oh, you sweet sweet girl... you have the hiccups right now! I feel a steady little thump in my lower abdomen every other second - and there's nothing I can do to take those pesky hiccups away from you!

Our appointment with Donna went well yesterday - your heartrate was about 152BPM, my blood pressure and weight gain were good, and you measured 32 weeks - right on target!

I told daddy yesterday that I think you'll come in early July, but I don't want to tell everyone that, just in case I'm wrong! Ruth was 10 days late, so who knows what you'll do, Clara!

I had two people today ask me about your name again. Clara Mae. Our light.

I love you, baby girl!


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

32 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts #2,

It is a beautiful, sunshine-y day outside today! Daddy came and visited me at work mid-morning with a coffee and we talk a nice walk around the neighborhood real quick, just talking. It was a welcome break for both of us, I think.

This afternoon, we'll get to hear your heartbeat again and (hopefully) everything looks and sounds good still. We have to go grocery shopping afterward and then some family friends are joining us for dinner.

What a day!

It feels nice to have you kicking around inside me today - a reminder that I'm not alone and we're all in this together.

Love you, Clara Boo.

Monday, May 15, 2017

32 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Thirty-two weeks! I. Am. Thankful.

Your skin is no longer transparent and all but your lungs are fully developed... that means, if you were born this week, you'd likely be just fine! You sleep a lot, but good golly - when you get active, you are ACTIVE! I can see you moving around in my tummy every day, feeling your little feet kick and push on my right side. And I'm pretty sure today I saw your leg move across my stomach as you turned over, trying to get comfy! You probably weigh between 3 and 4 pounds and are about 15 inches long. You are already head-down in my tummy (and will hopefully stay like that!) and I'm sure things are getting a little cramped in there.

While you are continuing to grow and gain weight, daddy and I are busy with our wood stove project! Well, daddy and papa are busy. Today, they pulled up the baseboard trim and floor in the corner and installed the cement board that the tile will go on. I went to the store and purchased the wood stove (they'll hold it until we're ready for it, though). Hopefully, we can have the whole thing done before Meme and Papa leave at the end of the month...

I've had indigestion and acid reflux. I can't bend over easily any more. And last night, I had a terrible time getting comfortable! I'm thankful that now, I can wear sandals to work everyday with dresses. No heels, so I'm just rocking my Tevas and moccasins.

Tomorrow is my 32 week appointment. Then, starting in June, we'll see Donna every week. I can't believe it! Really, you could be here any time, but definitely within the next 10 weeks!

We love you, Clara Boo. Love love love you!


Sunday, May 14, 2017

31 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today is Mother's Day! I'm so so thankful to be your mama. I'm so thankful to feel you kicking and wiggling inside me, to look at your beautiful face posted on our refrigerator, to dream about holding and cuddling you in about 2 months. I'm thankful to be the one praying for you daily.

Baby, there are so many women who can't be mamas. And there are women who choose not to be mamas by giving their little ones up for adoption. Those women are precious today, too.

And Clara, if one day, God opens doors for me to be a mama to another baby, I pray that I will obediently do that.

I love you. Thanks for making me a mama times two.


Friday, May 12, 2017

31 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Last night, daddy and I started our wood stove installation project! We took a quick trip to Lowes (and Cold Stone for ice cream for Papa and Memaw and Daddy) then we took the outlets out and started putting blank covers on the holes so that we can cement board over them. Papa helped.

Papa and Memaw had some nervous energy last night - they were waiting for word on whether or not their counter-offer was accepted by the people wanting to buy their house... and it was!! Memaw and Papa have sold their house. Hooray!

I did my own final walk through of it yesterday. So many memories there. But the memories are really with the people, not the space. I was so thankful that the Lord allows us to look back and reflect, but requires that we keep moving forward. I spent angtsy teenage years in that upstairs bedroom... but I also got to put your sister to sleep in that bedroom several times for naps. I spent many mornings getting ready for work in that downstairs bathroom... and got ready there the night daddy and I got engaged and the morning of our wedding. I spent countless summer hours sitting on the back porch reading... and when I broke my leg, I drank coffee out there with daddy.

I pray our house - the house(s) where you grow up - hold sweet memories as you reflect back on them.

I love you more than any house.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

31 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Daddy and I had a sort of date night tonight - we went to the high school graduation of three students who are (now!!) in our College & Career class. We were even semi-dressed up! So daddy and I clapped and cheered, hugged our graduates, and talked to other friends we saw... and then we got some ice cream before heading home.

The graduation was held in the same place as where I graduated from high school... 11 years ago! I sent some pictures to Aunt Hannah and Aunt Jade and felt so old, remembering when we were sitting there on the floor in our caps and gowns.

Life goes in a blink. High school graduation is a thing to be celebrated... but so is the life that comes after it. Establishing college friendships. Meeting the man you'll marry. Choosing a job and / or career. Buying your first car, first house, first pet. Having your first (and second!) baby.

The Lord is good and faithful through it all.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

31 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts #2,

I took my 31 week photo today with Ruth. She is sticking her tummy out in one photo and, as Aunt Hannah said, it looks like we are comparing bellies.

Two Big Bellies!
Right now, you are the perfect little seat for Ruth. But soon she'll get in big trouble if she sits on you!


Monday, May 8, 2017

31 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Happy 31 weeks, little one! You spend more time sleeping (and dreaming) these days, use all five senses to process information, and can turn your head from side-to-side. You weigh over 3 pound sand are about 16 inches long! At my last appointment, Donna said your head is down in position, where it will stay for the remainder of your time in utero. And the other day, I know I felt the heel of a foot on my right side and your little wiggly butt on my left!

I've been walking every day at work, but today's laps were significantly slower than last week's! I know it's partly because I'm still not feeling well... but it's also because your growth has pushed my other organs (lungs included) into a new place. It's more difficult for me to take deep breaths.

I've also been clumsier lately, going to the bathroom more often (and waking up at night to do so now), and have had some leg/foot cramps lately.

But my FMLA paperwork was approved! Right now, I'm anticipating being home with you from July 8th through September 10th. Yay!! I can't wait to cuddle and snuggle you every day.

I love you, Clara!


Sunday, May 7, 2017

30 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

We stayed home from church today. I've been feeling under the weather and it all came to a head when I woke up. Exhausted. Stuffy nose. Cough. General malaise. So our "Day of Rest" was really a day of rest: we slept, watched movies and Netflix, I crocheted, drank lots of water, and ate copious amounts of cookie dough (without the eggs in it).

Daddy and I spent part of the evening right before bed looking at wood stove ideas. We decided we don't want it up on a platform, we like the legs on it, we like darker tile more than lighter tile (for the most part) and I want something a little bit unique and sassy. I'm excited to start (and finish!) this project before you arrive, Clara.

Here's to a good night's sleep before another full week of work!


Friday, May 5, 2017

30 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

When daddy and I first met and started dating, he would drive to Palmer from Anchorage to have lunch with me once a week. He'd pick me up and we would go to the Palmer Downtown Deli. There, we would usually each get a piece of quiche and just sit and chat before I returned to work.

That changed some when he switched jobs and when we had Ruth...

But today, daddy drove to Palmer, picked me up, and we ate lunch (just the two of us!) at the Palmer Downtown Deli. We didn't get quiche this time (sandwiches instead) but were able to just sit and chat together.

It. Was. Wonderful.

Dates with your daddy are one of my favorite things. I love hearing his heart for the Lord, for you girls, for me. I love hearing what's going on in his life and in his mind. And I love sharing those things with him, too.

You are secure in our family, baby girl, because our marriage is secure in the Lord.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

30 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today was your 30 week appointment! You are measuring at 32 weeks (a little big, but not too bad) and your heart rate is 147 BPM. You sound strong and healthy. Donna said everything seemed just fine. Maybe you'll come early, since you're measuring big. But maybe you'll be 10 days late, like Ruth. We'll wait and see, Clara Boo!

Ruth has started a new habit: if I sit down on the floor, she pulls my shirt up to expose my belly, where you currently reside. Then she hugs it, says "Baby!", and blows you raspberries. My belly ends up covered in her spit, but I love how she loves you already. I think she's starting to understand that "There's a baby in mommy's tummy!" We call you by name - "Baby Clara." And hopefully when you arrive, she'll be excited to see you.

Oh, Clara - I hope and pray that you have a strong and healthy relationship with your sister. I pray the two of you like to stay up late talking and laughing, sharing secrets and sharing clothes. I pray you stand up for each other, and tease each other in love, and give good advice. I pray you serve the Lord together.

Our family is not complete without you, little lady. Can't wait to meet you soon!


Monday, May 1, 2017

30 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Just like that, we are three-quarters of the way through the pregnancy! Your little body is more proportionate and your sleeping quarters are getting tighter. Your brain is starting to ripple, making room for future development. And you are sooo wiggly! It seems like your favorite position is one that has you pushing against my right side. You like to prop yourself there (especially when I'm laying down).

Memaw  asked me if we would see you again before you are born... Nope! In anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks, you could be here in my arms. I'm a little nervous, to be honest, about having two babies... but I'm also so excited to welcome you.

I started working on the rug I'm making for your room. I picked out the fabric and have it all ripped into strips. Next I'll sew them together and start braiding. We looked forever for a rug we liked for you, but nothing stood out. So I'm improvising! I made the rug in Ruth's room and I like that I can make yours, too.

Well Clara Boo, we'll see you in about 10 weeks!
