Friday, May 19, 2017

32 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

It's Friday! Some of the blogs I like to read always do a "Friday Favorites" post... so I thought I'd join in today! Here are some of my favorites this week:

1. The tile for our wood stove is done! Today, daddy and papa are putting in the grout and we may pick up the stove itself today. Then we can ask Mr. Fred to help get it installed this weekend or early next week. It will (hopefully) be all done by my birthday next week!
Tiling is done!
2. My 32 week bump picture has me feeling large and in charge! It's so hard for me to bend over (in fact, Daddy had to tighten my sandal straps this morning), so I know you are growing bigger every day. Yesterday, I glanced in the mirror and it looked like you had dropped a little bit. I felt you wiggling in my hips, so who knows what you're doing now!
You and mama!
3. Ruth would NOT go to sleep last night, Clara boo! We tried for about an hour before throwing our hands up in the air and letting her run around and play for a little bit. She started walking around the house like this:
Arms crossed, walking around the living room.
It's so fun watching her personality develop, but we are so excited to see yours develop, too! I can't wait to see what makes you laugh, what makes you feel upset, etc. I am so excited to see what you love and what your favorite toys are.

4. The Friday Fling starts today! If it doesn't rain, I'm going to try and meet Mimi, Papa, Daddy, and Ruth at lunch time. Hooray! I love this time of year, when the tourists come out and so do the local vendors. There's always cute baby things there, too :)

5. My doctor's appointment this week was another favorite. Hearing your heartbeat is always a highlight of my week. And now, with the end of this pregnancy approaching, we'll get to hear you more and more often. Hooray!

I hope you had a good week too, Clara Boo, wiggling around in my tummy. I love you to the moon and can't wait to have you on the outside.

All my love,

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