Tuesday, February 28, 2017

21 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today I reserved our rental car for our trip to Hawaii in April! You’ll be lounging on the beach in mommy’s tummy while we soak up some vitamin D, play in the waves, and explore the island. I can’t wait to show you off in my bathing suit!

I love you.


Monday, February 27, 2017

21 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

21 Weeks! Oh, little girl… your growth and development are a miracle and we praise the Lord for you daily. I love feeling your little kicks (and sometimes-big ones!). You are over 8.5 inches long and about 12 oz in weight. You can taste the food I eat, too… Daddy made me a smoothie this morning and I hope you liked it, too!

Daddy has been sick for about a week… we are not sure why, but I want him to be better! He had planned on going on a winter campout last weekend, but we cancelled it at the last minute. I’m thankful to have had him home with us this weekend. He is such a good daddy.

Three of our friends are going to Ghana, Africa to serve as missionaries for two months with the Gelatts! We invited them to Cold Stone for ice cream before the leave but after a surprising fire alarm at the ice cream shop and a quick trip to Fred Meyer, they came over to our house instead. We ate, laughed, joked, and they made up a new game called “Bangle Jump” using Ruthie’s bracelet. I can’t wait for you to meet our friends, Clara, and grow up with their fun and loving personalities.

In December, we are going to Ghana, too – for about two or three weeks. Daddy and I love missions and are excited to introduce you and Ruth to them together!

Love you baby!


Thursday, February 23, 2017

20 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

A girl!!! You’re a GIRL!! Our sweet Clara Mae. We saw your face and your daddy and I both knew. Clara means “light” – we pray that you bring the Lord’s light into the world, that you shine brightly for Him every day of your life.

Right after our appointment yesterday, we celebrated with ice cream at Cold Stone then went to Fred Meyer. Ruth picked out a “Cutest Little Sister” outfit for you (well, we helped!) and Daddy and I picked out some shorts, a onesie, and a shirt for our little summer baby. We got some pink sugar cookies, too – one pack to take to church that night and one for me to take to work.

We have been telling everyone about you, showing off your photos. Those photos were hard to get, Clara! You were nestled down so deeply in my pelvis, pushing up against my back, that I thought we would NEVER be able to tell your gender or see your face! I had to lay on my sides, use the restroom, wiggle around, anything to get you to move.

At work this morning, I showed the ladies in my office your photo and as I was telling them about it, I accidently mentioned “her arm.” They all SQUEALED so loudly and everyone was so excited. “A sister for Ruthie! That’s going to be so much fun!” And they’re right. I hope and pray you and Ruth have a great relationship growing up, that you love playing together, and become one another’s best friends.

Oh baby girl. We love you. Little Clara Mae.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017

20 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

We get to see your sweet face today!!! I have a regular appointment with Donna at 2:40pm then Gma Linda is meeting me, your daddy, and Ruth for your 20-week ultrasound! We have been praying every day since we found out you were coming that you would grow strong and healthy and today’s the day we get to see some answers to prayer!

Please be cooperative!



Monday, February 20, 2017

20 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today you are 20 weeks and this week we have our ultrasound to check your development! Hard to believe we are halfway through this sweet pregnancy and halfway to meeting you!

At 20 weeks, you’re about the size of a banana (6.5 inches from head to butt and 10 inches from head to heel). You can swallow, pass urine, and are producing meconium. You can even suck your fingers! I feel you kicking a lot – you are one active baby!

This has been a really hard month for your daddy and me so I am really looking forward to some good news this week at the ultrasound. Lots of people at church are predicting you’re a boy, but daddy and I are leaning more towards boy… I don’t know why!

We narrowed down our name list today:

Girl Names:

·       Wendy Mae

·       Clara Mae

Boy Names:

·       James Philip

·       Hudson Lee

We agreed we like Clara and Hudson the best… hopefully we’ll know on Wednesday which one you’ll be!

I love you so much, little one.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

19 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Great papa in Arizona passed today. I called him yesterday and told him all about you – how you like to wiggle, how we have your ultrasound next week, how special you are to us. And I told great papa that we are proud of him, proud to be his grandchildren.

Daddy and I are tossing around the idea of, if you’re a boy, giving you a middle name “Jack” after him.  Great papa’s name was John, but Great Grandma Viola always called him Jack.

He served in WWII, driving an ambulance on the warzone. After he left the military, he went into printing and worked at several newspapers setting type. After he and great grandma retired, they moved to Arizona. There, he liked to load bullets in his garage, collect coins, go to the river and play slot machines, and take naps in his easy chair.

Oh baby, what a special man he was. We’ll tell you all about him as you grow up.



Tuesday, February 14, 2017

19 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts #2,

This has been a hard week. I’m worn. I’m tired. I’m ready for a long nap, a sweet hug from your daddy, and a hot cup of chai.

Sometimes, life is hard, little one. It’s full of thing after thing after thing that makes you want to just stop. But we can’t. We have to keep walking, just doing the next thing. And then the next thing. And then the next one.

Even when family members are dying.

Even when daddy doesn’t get the job he wants.

Even when we are tired from a 60-hour work week.

We just keep going. Because God is faithful. Because His love is never ending. Because He is all we need.



Monday, February 13, 2017

19 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Almost halfway! You’re the size of a large tomato this week (we don’t get big tomatoes in Alaska, so that’s hard for me to imagine; I keep picturing the little dinky ones we get at the store!). Your limbs are proportionate to the rest of your body. And you are growing hair on your head now! You’re also getting a waxy protective coating all over your little body that keeps you from getting wrinkly in the amniotic fluid. No pruney fingers for you!

I’m trying to stay active and work out a lot – my goal is 15 times each month – but this is a short month and I’m already behind.

I had a coffee date with Auntie Juliet tonight at Starbucks. I actually had chai, but it was so nice to just sit and chat with a sweet friend. I can’t wait for you to meet her! I know she loves you already.

We are house-sitting for Memaw and Papa’s dog, Nova, right now. Baby, I’ll be honest – we are not really “dog people.” It’s fine, and Ruth enjoys having the doggy here, but we will be ready for some peace and quiet soon enough!

Your great papa in Arizona is in the hospital still. He isn’t doing too well, and we don’t think he’ll pull through this. But oh, baby, I know he would love you to pieces… just like we do.

