Monday, August 31, 2015

27 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

There were so many things I wanted to get done for your room this weekend... but here's what we did accomplish:

  • Rearranged your nursery, thanks to Caleb helping on Friday night at Bible study!
  • Started sanding your cradle
  • Brought your dresser home
  • Organized your baby clothes and started putting some away in the dresser
  • Ate icecream at DQ (very, very necessary)
While we didn't do all that I wanted to, I am thankful for what we could accomplish. 

As your daddy says, "I'm nesting." And that means wanting to decorate for fall, get rid of a bunch of stuff we don't need, and organize your room. We're getting there... it's just taking a while.

Also, dear, I love you... but you're sitting right on my tailbone and it hurts to walk. Can you please move for mommy? You're making me waddle and my Sunday School teacher commented on it yesterday!


Saturday, August 29, 2015

27 Weeks. 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Yard sale day, take two! It was a chilly morning, but thanks to some hot coffee, a warm sweatshirt and vest, and some blankets, we survived the day and even made a decent amount of money! We sold all of our "big" things and some little things, too, including your daddy's studded tires, our toaster oven, a quilt set, and two nightstands. Praise the Lord! Your daddy is taking the rest of the items to a thrift store next week.

We also started sanding your cradle and, because the wood underneath the red paint is beautiful, I'm not sure if we'll repaint it cream or keep the wood... so many decisions (and so much sanding to do still!).

I took an hour and a half nap this evening then we watched "Veggie Tales" and ate pizza. Winning Saturday night in the Batts' House!


Friday, August 28, 2015

27 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Let's do a week in review! Some highlights (and low lights) from our week:

1. I wore one of my new dresses (that Grandma and I bought!) to church on Sunday and received lots of compliments. Ms. Linda and I took a picture together.
Me and Ms. Linda

2. The Jeep got a dent in the bumper! We aren't actually sure when... or how... but sure enough, there it is. We might be able to pop it back out with the help of a heat gun... or we may be able to replace just the end cap. But rest assured, Ruth - Jeeps are safe and your carseat will be secure inside the Beast!
Sad dent in the bumper.

3. Your daddy and I had a fun date night - we spent lots of money at WalMart on a wireless router, external hard drive, printer ink, and more. We bought all those necessities that your daddy needs to be successful this semester! He's really enjoying his classes so far, by the way. He's so smart and so dedicated to his work. I hope you work as hard as he does in life.

4. Memaw, Ms. Linda, and I met at Cold Stone last night for icecream... which turned out to be my dinner! Don't tell my midwife. It was a fun, relaxing time talking about life, you, and the registries your daddy and I have created (one at Target and one on Amazon!). It's so weird trying to register for things when we have no idea what you will want or like. But Memaw suggested we register for some baby camping supplies, bike seats, etc. so that next summer, we can take you adventuring with us. Brilliant!

5. I successfully consolidated my craft supplies into one tote last night. That leaves more room in your closet for your baby things!

6. Feeling you twist and turn in my tummy this morning while I laid in bed = two thumbs up. I'll confess, Ruth, that I often pray to feel you moving, just so that I know you're okay in there. And when you do start to wriggle, it's the best feeling ever.

We're looking forward to a busy, productive weekend that hopefully includes rearranging your nursery, painting your furniture, and selling ALL THE THINGS at our second yard sale!


Thursday, August 27, 2015

27 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts,

So. Emotional. I'm listening to THIS SONG right now and on the verge of tears.

Ruth, you are being born into a family with a great legacy. Your sweet uncles both serve our country faithfully, diligently, and bravely. They have given blood, sweat, and tears to protect our nation and I am so proud of them. Your Papa served in the military and dedicated about 20 years of his life to serving his local community as a Police Officer. Your grandpa served in the Air Force for 20 years and your aunty in Alabama just joined the Navy.

Oh, little one. Your daddy and I are committed to raising you to honor and revere the service men and women in our country. They have given so much. The least we can give is respect.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

27 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

Oh, little Ruth. You are growing like a weed! At 27 weeks, you are over a foot long and more than two pounds. Gotta pack on some more weight in the coming weeks, but it's a big change from where you were 23 weeks ago, when we found out about you! What a cool journey you've been on.

As you grow bigger, I do too - one woman at work mentioned that I was really showing now! And people at church tonight did, too. One person at church asked how big you were now, so I showed him with my hands. He looked from my hands to my tummy as if to say, "How does she fit in there?!" I told him that you like to be scrunched up in a ball, knees to the forehead.
I made your daddy take this photo three times before I approved.

Getting bigger!
You can hear (and maybe recognize) my voice and your daddy's voice. This is evidenced by how active you got last night, laying in bed, as I sang every Sunday School song I could think of from my youth. Your daddy and I loved having our hands on my tummy as you wiggled, squirmed, and flipped around.

Your daddy and I want to be all done with Christmas shopping by the time you come, so last night, we took inventory of what presents we'd already collected and purchased a couple more things. I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with you this year! I'm going to work on your stocking soon so that we know it's all done in plenty of time. I'm also brainstorming presents for your daddy. He loves Christmas!

I'm so tired today! I wanted to lay in bed as long as possible this morning, curled up next to your daddy, but work beckoned. I didn't finish my coffee before it got too lukewarm / cold, so maybe I'll grab some this afternoon. It's chilly today - rainy - and I have my heater on, so a warm drink might be nice right about now! Hope you like raspberry tea...


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

26 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Honestly, drinking the Fruit Punch for my glucose test was not bad at all... which is good, because the lab called today and said I need to redo the test; the mixed up my results! Oops. Your daddy picked up a new bottle today and I'll do it soon.

The appointment with Donna went well yesterday. You are measuring right on track now - at 27 weeks - and I gained weight while eating Grandma's home cooking! Oh little one, we are almost to the third trimester! Donna mentioned looking for a pediatrician, touring the hospital, writing our birth plan... this is all becoming so close and so real!

We have so much to do to prep for your arrival still:

  • Paint your cradle (your daddy and I are picking out a color during our date night tonight and hope to get that done this weekend!)
  • Get a mattress and sheets for the cradle
  • Finish your toy chest (again, maybe this weekend?)
  • Bring your dresser home
  • Wash all your baby clothes
  • Sort baby clothes and put them away
  • Organize and decorate your nursery (which will also be the study and guest room - Aunty Jade is coming up in September and will sleep in there!)
  • Put your cradle in our bedroom (and organize our bedroom!)
  • Install the carseat in the Jeep
I'm thankful we still have (in theory) 13 weeks, just because of this to-do list! I want it all ready for you, Ruth, when you get here. So wish us luck for a productive weekend!

Last night, I laid in bed while your daddy was in class. I read you a book and sang some songs that I know. You wiggled around quite a bit, seeming happy to just be listening to my voice. And even today, sitting at work, I feel you nudging me and saying hello. I love these moments.

But I love you more.
- Mama

Monday, August 24, 2015

26 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

You've spent much of last night and today nestled down by my tailbone. Silly thing. That makes it hurt when I walk, when I stand up or sit down, or when I really move at all.

Today is my glucose test - to see whether or not I have gestational diabetes. I've heard horror stories about the taste of the drink, the blood work, etc. But little one, I know we will be brave together. Every hard thing we go through is preparation for labor and delivery, right?!

This weekend we:

  • Had a yard sale (and made over $120 for our house fund!)
  • Made peanut butter sandwich cookies (and ate / shared them all)
  • Served in the nursery and played games with three little boys
  • Did laundry (lots and lots of laundry!)
  • Fixed the brakes (again) on your daddy's truck
  • Ate meals with family and friends
This week, we:
  • Pick out paint color for your cradle
  • Start classes again at UAA (well, your daddy does!)
  • Host Bible study on Friday night
  • Meet with Memaw and Ms. Linda to talk about your baby shower
  • Organize your room some more
  • Have another yard sale
Busy times, baby girl! Busy times getting ready for you to join us in our little family! Keep growing so that, when the time comes, you can come out and play!


Friday, August 21, 2015

26 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

I took yesterday off work so that I could rest, but of course, we woke up at 7:00am ready to start the day! Finally (at about 7:45am), I got up, popped in the movie "Frozen", made some coffee, and started organizing some things. Is this nesting? Who knows.

We saw Ms. Linda so that your daddy could pick up his Wayland belongings and we had a great time catching up about everything that's gone on. We also have a fun idea for a women's retreat this year! It'll be a day-long event, instead of an over-night retreat and I hope we have fun. We'll be planning that soon.

We also started pricing things for Saturday's yard sale! We have to get the spare room cleaned out so it can become your nursery. Lots of reorganizing, cleaning, and rearranging to take place in the coming weeks, plus painting furniture, washing baby clothes, and more. Tonight our landlord comes over so we can renew our lease and your daddy has been working so hard today to get things in order for that visit!

Bible study tonight, too - can't wait to see our college kids! We bought them all "back to school" presents, since UAA starts again next week. Silly, yes, but we hope they like them. Tortilla / Mexican soup for dinner tonight, too. Mmm...

I feel you moving in there, Ruthie. Keep it up! I pray daily that you grow in physical strength, that you grow to know and love the Lord, and that you desire to serve Him with your life. Can't wait to see how He uses you.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

26 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

You are 26 weeks old and we flew home today! You now weigh about two pounds (which explains the extra weight I gained in Oregon... or maybe it was Grandma's cooking?) and your eyes are starting to open! No ideas about what color they'll be yet, but your daddy's are brown and mine are hazel, so I'm guessing dark.

You can even hear and respond better to our words! The other night, we tried playing a game with you where we guess what you're thinking and if you kick, "we're right." I don't think we were right about any of them (what DO you think about at 26 weeks?!) but it was fun. We've been reading you books, too, like A Picnic in the Woods and Ruth and Naomi. I hope you love hearing and reading books as you grow up.

My belly button hasn't popped out yet, but when I laid down in bed to rest the other day, you were just a hard little ball right up front. Later, when I laid down again, I felt you back by my tailbone! Silly girl. It's so funny seeing how my body changes based on where you are at any given time.

Speaking of body changes:
Growing baby bump.

Sporting maternity shirt AND maternity jeans now!

We traveled all day to get home by this evening. But your daddy and I had a sweet dinner date in the Seattle airport together, in a sit-down restaurant no less! My salmon tacos were delicious, and so were his fish and chips, but the best part was just being able to reconnect and talk!

It will be nice sleeping in our own bed, in our own apartment tonight... but tomorrow will be busy with getting ready for this weekend's yard sale! Wish us luck!

Love you to the moon,

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

25 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today, Grandma and I went shopping today and ate lunch together!
What a cute Grandma!
We had such a fun time walking around the mall, snacking on spicy Chinese food, and just talking. You are going to love her. Also, she makes delicious meals.

Can't believe this is our last full day in Oregon! We took pictures with Grandma and Grandpa:

Group Selfie!

Grandma, me, and Grandpa
... and the cows.

Next time they see me, they'll see YOU in my arms instead of my tummy! Grandma is talking about coming up in January to see you, which would be delightful. I hope they can make it. 

We're spending the evening relaxing at their house - I'm working on a scarf with yarn that I bought in Ashland yesterday. Grandma is working up a little dress for you, Grandpa is watching FoxNews, and your daddy is playing Candy Crush. We're quite the crew!


Monday, August 17, 2015

25 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today, Grandma and Grandpa drove your daddy and I up to the OIT campus in Klammath Falls to visit the OHSU nursing program. And though we went in with trepidation and some walls up, we left feeling hopeful, a little excited, and with eager anticipation for what the Lord may have in store.

It was nice walking around the campus together, nice imagining what it would be like for your daddy to study there, for me to take you to visit him on campus for lunch some days.
Your daddy on campus.

But it was odd thinking that, if the Lord wills, we may be heading that direction sometime for nursing school. Buying a house there. Finding a new church. Plugging into a community. Raising our little family. Watching our daughter grow.

The Lord has plans for us, Ruthie. And we get to follow Him as He leads us on them. Let's be faithful to that.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

25 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today marked your first trip to the Oregon Coast! I hope you love it there as much as your daddy and I do. Here's some photos!
Bumps and feet in the cold Pacific Ocean.

Cousins never sitting still.

Family by the beach campfire.

Your daddy holding Zach in the waves -
He loved splashing!

Chasing waves.

Your handsome daddy! <3 

You and your mommy on the beach!

So happy to be together on the coast! 

We loved the sunshiney warmth, the cool salty breeze, the s'mores we devoured, and the hot sand. Can't wait to take you there and watch you play in the waves, little one!


Saturday, August 15, 2015

25 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

We are in Oregon after flying all night, rushing through the Seattle airport, and grabbing coffee in Portland! It was so nice seeing Grandma and Grandpa today, but since your daddy and I were exhausted, we started our visit with them by napping for three hours.

Aunt Kendra, Uncle Ron, and the little cousins came over this evening. Aunt Kendra brought a HUGE tote full of clothes for you! I sat on the floor sorting through them while Zachary "helped" by pulling some clothes out of the tote and putting some back in. We ended up with lots of sweet things for you to wear this winter and spring. Luckily, we knew to bring down two suitcases, so we have lots of room to take them back home.

We love you, and so do Grandma and Grandpa!


Friday, August 14, 2015

25 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Oh, little girl. Right now, the thought of being your mama just thrills me. I can't wait to feel you growing more and more, can't wait to push you into this world, can't wait to hold you. The Lord has big plans for you, my Ruthie, and I'm so glad I get to be along on the ride.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

25 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

At 25 weeks old, you are an active little thing! You've spent most of the day bouncing around, using my spleen and my bladder as trampolines. Maybe I can just feel it more today because you're continuing to gain weight. Maybe it's because of my pants. Either way, keep it up, Ruthie Girl!

So. Tired. Lately.

Little Basketball Baby.
Your hair is also growing in more and your nostrils are opening, allowing you to smell delightful things when you join us in November! Maybe Thanksgiving dinner will be one of your first smells. That's fun to consider!

Last night, your daddy and I laid in bed reading and singing to you. I think you were pretty worn out yesterday though because you weren't real active like you usually are at night. I'm feeling pretty worn out too. People keep telling me I look tired and I can feel my body dragging, even with a cup of coffee in the morning.

Here's to lots of sleep tonight, an apple for my afternoon snack, and a couple laps around the building at work!


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

24 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

My little tummy - your little home - is sticking out more and more these days! It's making it hard for me to bend over and get out of bed sometimes. I think you're growing and stretching things some more, which is good, but a little painful!

Next week, we fly to Oregon for a few days to see great grandma and great grandpa. Your daddy and I are excited, but I'm nervous for our flights. My goal is to pack a really light carry on (so that your daddy doesn't have to carry it!) and lots of snacks. It'll be our last time traveling without a baby for a while!

This is also your daddy's last week at work. Soon he'll be a full-time student and (in November), a stay-at-home daddy. Lots of big changes in our little family, Ruthie, and we're trusting the Lord during this time.

I pray you grow and learn to trust Him, too.


Monday, August 10, 2015

24 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

We had an exhausting day today, didn't we?! I was in charge of the Secretary In-Service at work, so we spent the whole day running around, teaching breakout sessions, setting things up, and more! You were a trooper and I loved feeling you kick throughout the day.

You were sticking out quite a bit, so you're hardly a secret now. So many of my sweet secretary friends asked (and gushed!) about you, offered their congratulations, and were so genuinely excited. Having that support network is so nice.

You must have been exhausted when I got home, though. I was finally able to sit down and relax and couldn't feel you moving. After my fall on Saturday, I was real worried, so I read aloud to you until I woke you up and you started kicking. Thank you, little one, for showing me you're still there.

Later tonight, your daddy and I were lying in bed. He put his ear down to hear your heartbeat (and he did!!!) but you swiftly moved out of the way. He tried following you around my tummy, but each time he got close to you, you squiggled away again! We had such a delightful time playing "Chase Ruthie"!

I told your daddy that I can't wait to see what your personality is like as you grow up - you're so shy with the doctors during ultrasounds, but so playful with us! You seem to like your space and your quiet time, just like your mama. And you like to sleep curled up in a ball, just like me. I hope you get your daddy's singing voice though - when he sings to you, you like to wiggle around and when I do, you rarely move at all!

I love you, my sweet daughter, and I pray for your daily.


Sunday, August 9, 2015

24 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Oh little girl - I wish you knew how many people asked about you at our worship service this morning, how many people said they were praying for you, how many people expressed excitement about your growing life!

Even before you are born, you are so loved and adored. Our church family is looking forward to loving on you already.


Saturday, August 8, 2015

24 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

We spent the day at the Blueberry Festival in Alyeska with Memaw, Papa, Fred, and Betty! The weather was cool, but sunny. The food was yummy (we had blueberry empanadas!). But the blueberry picking was dismal. Your daddy and I got maybe half a cup of blueberries. But here's some pictures:
Empty Buckets, Full Hears.
Alyeska Resort, nestled in the mountains.

Alyeska is a really special place to us - it's where we spent our honeymoon! Of course, it looks totally different in the winter, but we love the hotel, the mountains, the drive down, everything. We're really excited, Ruth, because our family is spending a few days there at Christmas, too! You'll be just a month old, but we can't wait to show you what it's like in the winter.

We had a scare with you while blueberry picking that cast a shadow over the day: Some grass was covering a deep hole and when I stepped near a bush, I fell into the hole. There was mud in the bottom of it that covered my leg to my knee and the hole itself went to my mid-thigh. Praise the Lord, I didn't lean forward onto you, but rather fell to the side. Your daddy helped me out, but I was so scared I'd hurt you - especially after our appointment this week - that I just sat on the grass for a little while to see if I felt you moving. I didn't. I moved up by the chairlift and sat on a bench, counting kicks until I felt several. By that time, Memaw, Papa, Fred, and Betty discovered there were no more berries to be found, so we trekked down the mountain. You wiggled some on the way home, then more at dinner (Mexican Food!) so I tried not to be too worried. 

But little one - the thought that something could happen to you is nearly crippling. I trust that the Lord is protecting you and I am trying not to fear the unknown. 

Keep growing. Keep kicking!


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

24 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

Today. I saw a picture of a baby born premature - at 24 weeks - and I thought, "Wow, soon my baby will look like that." Then I realized that my baby DOES look like that! You are 24 weeks today, little one, and the cutest thing I have ever seen (via ultrasound).

You're getting fatter - at about 1.5 lbs this week! - and your body will continue filling out until you arrive in 16 weeks. SIXTEEN WEEKS! You're about 8 and a half inches long (soon you wouldn't fit on a ruler). You can hear things better: my voice, your daddy's voice, singing in church, fun talk around the campfire last night at the Hoffman's, and your grandpa's voice discussing recent events. But the thing that amazes me the most is that this week, your brain activity is similar to that of a newborn. You can form conscious thoughts and possible memories. I don't know what you're thinking - possibly, "Mmm, that's yummy!" when I eat mints at work or maybe "Are you okay, mama?" when I cough for the tenth time today. I'm sure at yesterday's appointment, you were thinking, "That hurts! Stop jabbing that ultrasound wand into my head!"

... or maybe it was me thinking, "That hurts! Stop jabbing that ultrasound wand into my pelvis!" Either way.

A coworker said today that I am "adorably pregnant." Yay. Thanks, little one, for making me more adorable day after day. I think YOU'RE the adorable one in this setup. Here are some new baby bump shots:

Side shot!
Front shot!
Love you to the moon,

PS - here's an extra picture your daddy snapped while I was fixing my hair. Getting it cut again on Sunday in an effort to grow it out.
Dat bump!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

23 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

You sure are a stubborn little thing and I sure love you for that. I love your spunk. We had an appointment with a specialist in Anchorage today and, just like at our last ultrasound, you were content to be in a little ball, curled up by my pelvis.

You did not want to come out and play. You did not want to show us your hands so we could count precious fingers. You did not want to show off your little femurs. You did not want us to take a picture of your sweet little face.

Silly girl.

We were told news today. It isn't bad, but it isn't exactly what we'd hoped to hear. We'd hoped to hear everything was find and clear and "What were they worried about anyway?"

We didn't. Instead we heard, "This is what we think it is and there's this area of concern, too."

But we also heard, "She's okay." All your measurements, your organs, your bones... they were all okay. Praise the Lord.

And we also heard, "You're okay. Be careful, but you're okay." All my organs, my innards... they were all okay. Praise the Lord.

So I'm being careful. Like I have a giant pillow around my body, careful. Like I'm holding something as precious as glass in front of me all the time and have to do all I can to protect it. You, Ruthie, you are more precious than any glass and I will do all I can to protect you now and after you come.

I can't wait to see how your personality develops, how you like to sleep at night, how you hold your fists. I love that these glimpses into your cozy space show us a little bit of what you're like.

But even more so, I love that the Lord knows you fully. He does not need ultrasound technology to see you. He sees you now. He sees your future.

I'll rest in that.


Monday, August 3, 2015

23 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

One thing I want you to know, little girl, is that friends really do come and go in life. People you thought would be there forever will suddenly not be and people you never expected will spin into your life with joy and peace. The tumult that comes with being open with people can make your heart hurt and your head hurt.

It's hard, sometimes, walking through life. But doing so with sweet friends and good, calm, quiet evenings of fellowship can be such an encouragement...

... even if they only include pasta, "Persuasion," and crafting.

The friends that you can sit and be still with? Keep them. They're good ones.


Sunday, August 2, 2015

23 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

What a delightful weekend your daddy and I had!

On Saturday, after sleeping in until 11:00am, we went for a looooong walk that included some Blizzards from Dairy Queen, buying a book about your namesake and her mother-in-law Naomi, finding cute letters that spell out RUTH for your room, and picking up some groceries for your grandpa. We got home hot and tired, but so delighted! We had dinner with grandpa that night then headed home for some sleep before church on Sunday.

I know people are praying for you, Ruthie, because they told me so on Sunday. Time and again, people asked how we were both doing. I'm so glad we get to serve and worship with our church family and I can't wait for you to meet them all. Sunday afternoon, your daddy worked on his truck (still no luck with those brakes) and I relaxed at home. We took dinner to grandpa again and got some more things ready for our upcoming yard sale.

Oh, baby. We had a crazy week - but this weekend was so rejuvenating! Here's to hoping the rest and relaxation lasts us throughout the coming week!
