Wednesday, August 19, 2015

26 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

You are 26 weeks old and we flew home today! You now weigh about two pounds (which explains the extra weight I gained in Oregon... or maybe it was Grandma's cooking?) and your eyes are starting to open! No ideas about what color they'll be yet, but your daddy's are brown and mine are hazel, so I'm guessing dark.

You can even hear and respond better to our words! The other night, we tried playing a game with you where we guess what you're thinking and if you kick, "we're right." I don't think we were right about any of them (what DO you think about at 26 weeks?!) but it was fun. We've been reading you books, too, like A Picnic in the Woods and Ruth and Naomi. I hope you love hearing and reading books as you grow up.

My belly button hasn't popped out yet, but when I laid down in bed to rest the other day, you were just a hard little ball right up front. Later, when I laid down again, I felt you back by my tailbone! Silly girl. It's so funny seeing how my body changes based on where you are at any given time.

Speaking of body changes:
Growing baby bump.

Sporting maternity shirt AND maternity jeans now!

We traveled all day to get home by this evening. But your daddy and I had a sweet dinner date in the Seattle airport together, in a sit-down restaurant no less! My salmon tacos were delicious, and so were his fish and chips, but the best part was just being able to reconnect and talk!

It will be nice sleeping in our own bed, in our own apartment tonight... but tomorrow will be busy with getting ready for this weekend's yard sale! Wish us luck!

Love you to the moon,

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