Wednesday, October 14, 2015

34 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

I'm sitting here, eating some salad (spinach with cheese, apples, and yogurt "dressing") and marveling at the fact that I'm 34 weeks pregnant (what the what?!). I don't even know.

Taller. Plumper. Longer fingernails. That's what your week looks like. There's less amniotic fluid in my uterus now, which is why I can feel the ridge of your little feet so much better when you press it against my abdomen. (Last night, your daddy was rubbing my back while you were stretching your legs and it felt wonderful and magical having the two people I love most pressing on me in different ways!)

Here's what I look like, baby girl:
Tired mama in a polka-dot dress!

You are my biggest polka-dot.
I wonder if you'll look more like me or your daddy. Whose eyes will you have? Whose smile? Whose nose? Hopefully a bit of both us, the best of both of us!
Your little face at 20 Weeks

I've not been sleeping well and my back has been hurting a lot. I think this weekend I'll try a warm bath to help relax and ease my muscles. I've been working out some on an exercise ball, too. That feels good.

Today is Memaw's birthday! I ate lunch with her at Vagabond Blues and told her all about last night's labor and delivery class - watching a birth video, "groaning out the push" like a moose, the stages of labor, and more. Next week is our last class, then in November, we're taking one about breastfeeding. Gotta know how to feed our little girl. We are celebrating her birthday on Saturday.

On Saturday, we also have a baby shower! Memaw and Ms. Linda are planning it and I am so so excited to celebrate you with everyone! Yay.

Soon and very soon, little one, you will officially be in our arms. I'm praying big things for your life... but to be honest, I'm also praying for a smooth (and quick!) delivery. Please be easy on your mama!


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