Wednesday, October 7, 2015

33 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

Less than two months until we meet you! You are now 33 weeks and growing like a weed. I feel your movements so much these days (especially as I try to get comfy at night... you are wiggling like crazy trying to get comfy, too! Your daddy has taken to calling you "Second Wind Ruthie" at night when you get active and he claims you get that from me. I agree.). It's probably because you likely weigh about 4 and a half pounds. You are between 17 and 19 inches long, they say, and could grow another full inch this week. You have your own immune system now that will be amped up when we start breastfeeding in about a month and a half.

People are funny: some tell me that I still look tiny, others tell me how big I am getting. (As if women are not concerned with their bodies enough, in the midst of a pregnancy is not the best time to comment on our bodies. Just, no.) Ruth, I pray that you grow up with the confidence that the Lord has made you  and your body exactly perfect, according to His good purposes. I promise to teach you how to have a positive self image.

This dress is one of my favorites to wear right now!

Excited / shocked / cheesy face.
You are beautiful. Jesus loves you, Ruthie. We love you.


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