Wednesday, September 16, 2015

30 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

Today, we are 30 weeks into the pregnancy - three-fourths of the way through and just ten weeks left to go. Your hands are fully formed and fingernails are growing so that they can sport some fancy nail polish in a few years. Your brain is starting to wrinkle in preparation for all the knowledge you'll be learning. Your head and body are proportionate now, your fine downy hair covering is sloughing off, and your bone marrow is able to produce red blood cells. It's so amazing how your body has changed since that fateful day last spring!

At 30 weeks, I look like this:
Rainy Weather = Cozy Sweater!

Growing more and more!

A coworker mentioned today that they want to throw me a baby shower here at work. How sweet is that?!

I've been quite emotional lately, Ruthie! The silliest things have been setting me off: the other night, the sheets were too loose on mine and your daddy's bed so (of course) I started crying about it. Good golly. I've also been more tired: I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning, that's for sure, and usually I don't.

Your daddy asked me last night what I've learned about myself during this pregnancy. I hadn't really thought about it, but now I am. What have I learned?

  • I'll fight for you but the Lord will fight even more for you.
  • Community is vital: I don't know where we would be without the prayers, support, and generous gifts from our friends and family.
  • Your daddy is the best. So serving. So kind. So patient. You better find a good husband like I did - they are worth their weight in gold. 
We're considering having some family photos taken with you after you're born, preferably in our home... and maybe even with the photographer who did our wedding photos! But we'll see.

Oh, little one. I am praying for you and praising God for you! I love you to the moon.


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