Friday, September 11, 2015

29 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today is the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. In 2001, I was in eighth grade. I remember driving to school with my mom and hearing about the attacks on the radio. I was confused and remember asking, "Why is this such a big deal?" Mom said something about terrorists - a word I wasn't familiar with in my little world in Alaska - but the way she said it, I knew it was different.

In Social Studies that year, we made news scrapbooks about the attacks and the aftermath. President Bush's national addresses. Declaring war. The spike in flag sales. The memorial services. I have that scrapbook at home still. Your daddy and I found it the other day and I looked through it again.

I'll show it to you sometime, perhaps when you hear about a national tragedy. Perhaps when you face a personal tragedy.

I think more than anything, the time immediately following 9/11 is a testimony to our nation's ability to unite, mourn, and move forward together. Surrounding yourself with people who love you, who support you - that's what helps you through those hard things. Some of that - a lot of that - has been lost in our current cultural climate. People are not united, unless they are united against other subgroups of the population.

I don't like that you are entering that world but oh, little one - your name means "Friend" and I hope and pray that you are a friend to others throughout your life.

On today, a day we remember tragedy, your daddy and I loved hearing your 156-beat heartbeat at our appointment this afternoon. We loved hearing that you are measuring at 28 weeks (which is normal). I loved getting to feel you move while I sat on the table talking to the doctor.

We love you, daughter.
- Mama

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