Wednesday, June 24, 2015

18 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

18 Weeks. This week, your bones are starting to harden and you're able to start hearing my voice. You're even yawning and your heartbeat is steady. You are now a whopping five and a half inches long from head to tail and your nerves are developing. So exciting.

Here's what I look like now, little one:
Belly poking out, little by little.
Side shot!

I haven't gained much weight (and in fact, I think I've lost some since my last appointment). I've been trying to eat better and drink lots of water, plus I'm walking 3-4 times a week while at work. That helps, too.  As long as you're growing like you need to, little one, I"m okay with that.

This Christmas - your first Christmas! - we are spending a couple of days down in Alyeska. I booked our hotel room today and had to say that we would have two adults and one child! Later tonight, when I was talking with your daddy, I mentioned that "just the three of us" would drive down to the resort together... and it stopped me mid-sentence! It was the first time I had mentioned "the three of us" referring to our little family. Yay. Can't wait to celebrate with you!


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