Wednesday, June 10, 2015

16 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

We are 16 weeks into this pregnancy! You are the size of an avocado and will double in weight in the next few weeks - so exciting! You're growing like a little weed.

I've been munching on so many fruits and veggies this week - the tartness of grapes has replaced sour gummy worms and mini peppers have been like potato chips. Lots of spinach, hardboiled eggs, and cheese. Mmm...

Today was the first day when someone at work mentioned that I was starting to show! Oh, babe, I got so darn giddy that someone (other than me) noticed! After that, every time I went to the restroom, I stood sideways in front of the mirror and looked at my growing tummy... and at my little babe inside.

Last night, your daddy and I put together your stroller (a present from several of your aunties and family members in Alabama). Seeing it in our living room was surreal. Like, "We will actually be using this in a few months." We were so blessed to have those items gifted to us.
Your stroller and carseat! You can even see your little rug in the bottom left-hand corner!
We ordered you a book yesterday, too - a book by Dr. Seuss that we are supposed to read to you while you are still growing inside of me. I found out today that you're starting to be able to hear sounds and I got so thrilled. I want to talk to you and tell you all the things and I can't wait to take you to FLBC on Sunday so that you can hear worship!

Today is really the first day I've felt pregnant. Maybe it's my outfit. Maybe it's a coworker noticing my tummy. Maybe I'm glowing. But for whatever reason, I love being your mommy.


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