Monday, June 12, 2017

36 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

36 weeks! You, my big girl, weigh about 6 lbs and are over 18 inches long (you're about the size of a head of Romaine Lettuce!). Most of the hair and vernix caseosa covering your skin is shedding now and you're preparing to pass your first stool. I feel you moving SO MUCH these days.... Last night, daddy was trying to hear your heartbeat with his stethoscope and you would have NONE of it - you kept shifting and wiggling out of the way!

I've had more heartburn and I can feel you moving lower in my hips and abdomen. My tail bone and back have been hurting more and I'm sure it's because of your growth and position. It's been hard to get comfortable at night; you like to push and push and push on my side!

Little one, I know so many people are excited to meet you... Gma Linda is planning a baby shower for after you come so that we can celebrate your new life together.

Clara, you keep growing strong and healthy and, when the time comes, we'll be ready to greet you with wide open arms and hearts.


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