Monday, July 10, 2017

40 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

You are full term! You can (and should) come any time, sweet girl! You're probably about 7 and a half pounds and 20 inches long. I bet you'll be bigger than Ruthie. All systems are "go" for you to make your appearance.

I was thinking the other day about how doctor's don't even know what really causes labor to start. They think there are some molecules you release from your lungs that start it, but I don't think they know all the steps that occur in initiating labor. Why do some women start labor early and some later?

The Lord knows.

I'm trying to trust Him, but I really thought you'd be here earlier than this. I started maternity leave (officially) today, and you aren't here... having a couple days to relax before your big arrival will be nice, but I hope you don't wait inside for too long, Clara. I want to enjoy my days WITH YOU!


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