Friday, January 1, 2016

4 Weeks Old

Dear Ruthie,

Today I reorganized your dresser. Your newborn clothes are now stored in the plastic bin in the closet;  your 0-3 month clothes (what you're wearing now) are in the top two drawers of the dresser; your 3-6 month clothes are in the bottom two drawers.

You have more clothes than I know what to do with, missy! In fact, you didn't even wear all your newborn clothes while you still fit into them and I told your daddy today, "There's no way she'll wear all her 3-6 month clothes, unless she's in them for a LONG time!"

I can't believe how quickly you are growing and changing. This week, we noticed a red streak of hair on your head that wasn't there before. You can hold your head up like a champ when we hold you and when you're laying on our chest (your favorite place to sleep at the moment - forget about that cradle mommy and daddy spent WEEKS refinishing for you!!). You can track us with your eyes and you turn your head to look at the lights when we hold you and sway. When I say something, you make a noise (or a whimper) because you are recognizing my voice. And several times, you've been upset and I've been the only one who can calm you (I'll be honest - that just blessed my mama heart).

However, you are still struggling between 9:00pm and midnight. You get colicky and cry for all its worth. Last night (New Year's Eve), Memaw and Papa came over and stayed up with you until 4:00am so that your daddy and I could get some much needed sleep. You snoozed on Memaw's chest, in between crying fits.

Right now, you are quite tired... and fighting it. Your daddy is doing his darnedest to get you to sleep, but you won't give in. Silly baby girl. I better go help him. It's not quite time for you to eat, but almost.

We love you so much, Ruth. We are so proud of you already - of how strong you are, of how you are growing and changing. Keep it up! May God be glorified in your life.


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