Dear Ruthie,
Not only are you now three weeks old, but today is Christmas! But first, let's recap last night's Christmas Eve service:
You wore an adorable red, green, and pink plaid dress and a knit sweater I made you last week. People kept saying you looked like a little doll - we think you looked so beautiful. Your daddy sang in the Christmas choir and you did a great job sleeping and listening... until the very last song, when you realized how hungry you were! I took you back to the cry room to feed you. Your daddy and I were supposed to light candles as part of the service, but since I was nursing you, he snagged Charlie and they did it together. We went to Memaw and Papa's after the Christmas Eve service and ate dinner with them... but you got really tired and fussy. Your daddy and I realized (too late) that we should have just taken you home. Oh well. Live and learn, right baby girl?!
Your daddy and I celebrated Christ's birth with you this morning at our apartment. We opened stockings and presents, ate some yummy cinnamon rolls from Fred and Betty, and read the Christmas story from the Bible. You didn't get any presents (hey, you're only three weeks old!) but you did have some treasures in your stocking, a lot of which were handmade by me: knit leg warmers, sewn "chain" toys, a knit hat, two books, and some hair bows.
After our family Christmas, we went to Memaw and Papa's. Uncle Brad, Aunt Paige, and Blaire were there, too. We opened stockings, watched "Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2", and opened presents. Presents took a while: between you and Blaire, we had to keep pausing to nurse, change diapers, and comfort alligator tears. We also read the Christmas story from the Bible and stayed the rest of the day to eat food, hang out, visit, and do a puzzle.
Our first Christmas with you was such a blessing: low key, but full of family and the knowledge that Christ has come to save us. Hallelujah! We are so looking forward to keeping family Christmas traditions alive with you as you grow and teaching you that Christ is the reason we celebrate - not presents and new toys. It's all for Him.
We love you,
Friday, December 25, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
2 Weeks and 6 Days Old
Dear Ruthie,
We just spent a few days at Alyeska! Uncle Brad, Aunt Paige, and cousin Blaire are in town from California, so we spent two nights at Alyeska with them, Memaw, and Papa. Together, we:
We just spent a few days at Alyeska! Uncle Brad, Aunt Paige, and cousin Blaire are in town from California, so we spent two nights at Alyeska with them, Memaw, and Papa. Together, we:
- Ate pizza for dinner in the hotel
- Slept in between your crying fits
- You hung out with Papa while your daddy and I played cards
- We rode the tram to the top of the mountain
- We snuggled together in the cold weather
- Your daddy and I bought the largest coffees made in the hotel cafe (after a sleepless night with you!)
- Took family photos by the fireplace and moose head
- Celebrated Papa's birthday
- Watched people dressed as Santa walk through the hotel on their way to hit the ski slopes
- Waited to see Santa Claus
It was a fun mini-vacation away with you, Ruth! You did not sleep as well as we'd hoped you would, but your daddy and I sure enjoyed spending those days with you in the mountains!
Alyeska is a special place for us - we hiked there one fall (we experienced rain, snow, and sunshine during the hike!), spent our honeymoon there, picked blueberries there, and now we've been there with you!
Here's to many more adventures.
Friday, December 18, 2015
2 Weeks Old
Dear Ruthie,
We had a busy day today - your two-week birthday!
You had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. When they weighed and measured you, you clocked in at OVER EIGHT POUNDS. Oh my manta, little lady. I knew you were feeding well, but to gain 14 ounces in two weeks?! Yikes. You are also 21 inches long now. Your daddy and I think you are about to have a growth spurt: getting some chunk on you so you can grow taller.
You no longer fit into newborn clothes. A sleeper we had you in earlier this week was way too small when we tried to put it on you last night. We're moving into the 0-3 month clothes now. Crazy!
Tonight, our College & Career group came over (well, just Juliet and Caleb) for our Christmas party! We went to Walmart to buy $5 presents for a white elephant gift exchange, then came back home to exchange them, eat some dinner, decorate sugar cookies, and rerax. You, however, got fussy! So I spent a large chunk of the party feeding you in our bedroom. That's okay. I like the baby snuggles.
I can't believe that two weeks ago, we were welcoming you into our family at Mat-Su Regional. You were in my arms, outside of my tummy, and oh-so-perfect. Now you weigh 8 pounds and are becoming a chunky little thing.... and to us, you are still perfect.
We love seeing your personality emerge. You make the most exaggerated sad faces - complete with a frown that takes up your whole face. You get colicky every night from 9:00pm to midnight. When you lay on someone's chest, you push your body up until your head is resting under their chin. You prefer sleeping on your side rather than your back and you do NOT like to be swaddled. You wiggle out of a swaddling as soon as we get you in one. You like your cradle the most when it is rocking, but most nights you still like to sleep on our chests in the living room. When you are really sleeping deeply, your mouth drops open. Your arms flail out when you are moved suddenly. When you nurse, you rest one hand, open and relaxed, on my bare chest, as if to make sure I'm not going anywhere, that I'm still there while you receive your nourishment.
I'm not going anywhere, little girl. I'm your mama. I'll always be there for you.
I love you.
- Mama
We had a busy day today - your two-week birthday!
You had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. When they weighed and measured you, you clocked in at OVER EIGHT POUNDS. Oh my manta, little lady. I knew you were feeding well, but to gain 14 ounces in two weeks?! Yikes. You are also 21 inches long now. Your daddy and I think you are about to have a growth spurt: getting some chunk on you so you can grow taller.
You no longer fit into newborn clothes. A sleeper we had you in earlier this week was way too small when we tried to put it on you last night. We're moving into the 0-3 month clothes now. Crazy!
Tonight, our College & Career group came over (well, just Juliet and Caleb) for our Christmas party! We went to Walmart to buy $5 presents for a white elephant gift exchange, then came back home to exchange them, eat some dinner, decorate sugar cookies, and rerax. You, however, got fussy! So I spent a large chunk of the party feeding you in our bedroom. That's okay. I like the baby snuggles.
Your Christmas party outfit, complete with baby Sorrel boots. |
We love seeing your personality emerge. You make the most exaggerated sad faces - complete with a frown that takes up your whole face. You get colicky every night from 9:00pm to midnight. When you lay on someone's chest, you push your body up until your head is resting under their chin. You prefer sleeping on your side rather than your back and you do NOT like to be swaddled. You wiggle out of a swaddling as soon as we get you in one. You like your cradle the most when it is rocking, but most nights you still like to sleep on our chests in the living room. When you are really sleeping deeply, your mouth drops open. Your arms flail out when you are moved suddenly. When you nurse, you rest one hand, open and relaxed, on my bare chest, as if to make sure I'm not going anywhere, that I'm still there while you receive your nourishment.
I'm not going anywhere, little girl. I'm your mama. I'll always be there for you.
I love you.
- Mama
Monday, December 14, 2015
1 Week and 3 Days Old
Dear Ruth,
Today your daddy and I adventured with you into Anchorage to take some family photos at Sears, thanks to Betty. Here are some highlights of the day:
I know we'll treasure these pictures forever. We love you, baby girl.
Today your daddy and I adventured with you into Anchorage to take some family photos at Sears, thanks to Betty. Here are some highlights of the day:
- You had an explosive diaper in the car. The contents of the diaper got all over your outfit and my outfit.
- We changed, fed, and burped you in the car for the first time.
- You screamed through the first few minutes of your photo shoot.
- I fed you in JC Penney for the first time.
- You screamed through the last few minutes of the family photo shoot.
- I fed you in JC Penney for the second time.
Your pictures turned out beautiful though. We ordered some to send to grandparents and got a family photo printed on canvas.
Some of our favorites:
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Family photo, printed on canvas. |
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Mermaid Baby |
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Those eyes! That bow! Swoon. |
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Wrinkly forehead. Like always. |
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Eating your hand. |
Sunday, December 13, 2015
1 Week and 2 Days Old
Dear Ruthie,
Today was your first Sunday in church! You were a blue and white dress that Grandma Linda gave you, some white tights, and white knit shoes. Everyone was so excited to meet you and you did great during the service: you slept like a charm! Your daddy and I were so proud of you. We were tempted to take you up front for the children's message... then decided against it. Soon and very soon, you'll be toddling up there on your own, so for now, I want to keep you near to us.
We pray that going to church never becomes something you do just because you're expected to do so. We pray that your heart is captivated by the Lord, that you desire to go to His house and worship with His people out of love and reverence for Him. He alone is worthy of our praise, Ruth. I pray you grow to know that, that your daddy and I can teach you that well.
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Today was your first Sunday in church! You were a blue and white dress that Grandma Linda gave you, some white tights, and white knit shoes. Everyone was so excited to meet you and you did great during the service: you slept like a charm! Your daddy and I were so proud of you. We were tempted to take you up front for the children's message... then decided against it. Soon and very soon, you'll be toddling up there on your own, so for now, I want to keep you near to us.
We pray that going to church never becomes something you do just because you're expected to do so. We pray that your heart is captivated by the Lord, that you desire to go to His house and worship with His people out of love and reverence for Him. He alone is worthy of our praise, Ruth. I pray you grow to know that, that your daddy and I can teach you that well.
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Friday, December 11, 2015
1 Week Old
Dear Ruthie,
I'll be honest, little one - most of the time, we spend the whole day hanging out at home with you. Sometimes we'll venture out for a doctor's appointment or to grab pizza from 3 Bears or to pick something up at Target...
Tonight was our first night having College and Career over for Bible study with you! You cried most of the night. Way to be a vocal participant, little one! Caleb and Juliet each held you - Caleb looked like he didn't know what to do or think... but he did great. Juliet did, too - she sure loves you!
I'll be honest, little one - most of the time, we spend the whole day hanging out at home with you. Sometimes we'll venture out for a doctor's appointment or to grab pizza from 3 Bears or to pick something up at Target...
But being home, cuddling with you, is our new favorite way to spend the day.
Little hand wrapped around my finger. |
Our pajamas match! Leopard and teal for the win. |
Sleepy cuddles. |
We're hoping and praying you sleep well in your cradle soon... mama and daddy miss sleeping in their bed together!
Love you to the moon,
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
5 Days Old
Dear Ruthie,
Almost a week old! We had a visit with the lactation consultant today. She said you are nursing like a champ! So much so, in fact, that you've already gained three ounces since Monday. And after feeding you for half an hour or so, you were up to 7 lbs, 8 oz.! You passed your birth weight during our consultation, which makes me think that you will - for sure - be above your birth weight at our two-week appointment.
We snuck in a trip to Target after the appointment - we grabbed some coffee and pushed you around in your carseat in the stroller... then you got fussy! Daddy (in his Carhart coat and camouflage hat) carried you (in your floral-print covered carseat) out to the Jeep. It was so cute seeing him all manly carrying you, all girly, as if you are the most precious thing in the world. Which you are.
Your friends Thomas and Lesley came over to visit (and brought us some lattes - yum!). It was so fun chatting with them. You cried almost the whole time Lesley held you - until I took you and calmed you down. Then you slept the whole time Thomas held you!
We took more pictures of you with the Christmas tree...
... of you by yourself...
... and of you with us.
I want to remember all of it - how your eyes are gray, but seem to look blue or hazel sometimes. How your hair is lightening. How your double chin is appearing. How your ears are so perfect and tiny. How your nose is like a button. How your hairline is like your daddy's but your eyebrows are like mine. How you smile. I want to remember the smell of your head, how you like to have your hands by your face, and how you cuddle as far up under our chins as you can in order to feel our skin. I want to remember all these things, baby girl, knowing that they will change and disappear in an instant. I'm trying to embrace these moments - fleeting though they may be - and dwell in them richly. I want to study you - not just feed you from my body. I want to know you, not just know about you.
Your daddy and I have talked often about how Christmas has a whole new meaning this year. I can't imagine what God the Father felt, sending His one and only perfect Son into this world as a vulnerable baby, knowing the torture and victory that was awaiting Him at the end. I can't imagine sending you into the world like that. Then I think of Mary, riding a donkey into Bethlehem, probably having contractions along the way, then arriving to find there were no rooms available for them. I imagine her laboring in the stable, finally giving birth there, and Joseph catching baby Jesus, cutting the umbilical cord, and handing Him up to his sweet betrothed. I can feel their exhaustion, their elation, their joy, their fear at being responsible for this tiny life - precious and unique and wonderful. And the weight of knowing that their baby is so much more than a baby. Their baby is the Son of God, God made flesh, God with us. Hallelujah, Immanuel is here.
Thank you, Ruth, for already teaching us so much about life and Christmas. Thank you for being our December baby.
Almost a week old! We had a visit with the lactation consultant today. She said you are nursing like a champ! So much so, in fact, that you've already gained three ounces since Monday. And after feeding you for half an hour or so, you were up to 7 lbs, 8 oz.! You passed your birth weight during our consultation, which makes me think that you will - for sure - be above your birth weight at our two-week appointment.
We snuck in a trip to Target after the appointment - we grabbed some coffee and pushed you around in your carseat in the stroller... then you got fussy! Daddy (in his Carhart coat and camouflage hat) carried you (in your floral-print covered carseat) out to the Jeep. It was so cute seeing him all manly carrying you, all girly, as if you are the most precious thing in the world. Which you are.
Your friends Thomas and Lesley came over to visit (and brought us some lattes - yum!). It was so fun chatting with them. You cried almost the whole time Lesley held you - until I took you and calmed you down. Then you slept the whole time Thomas held you!
Thomas and Lesley snuggling you. |
You on the outside of mommy. |
Chilling on Daddy's lap, one arm up. |
... and of you with us.
Family photo! |
Mama's girl. |
Your daddy and I have talked often about how Christmas has a whole new meaning this year. I can't imagine what God the Father felt, sending His one and only perfect Son into this world as a vulnerable baby, knowing the torture and victory that was awaiting Him at the end. I can't imagine sending you into the world like that. Then I think of Mary, riding a donkey into Bethlehem, probably having contractions along the way, then arriving to find there were no rooms available for them. I imagine her laboring in the stable, finally giving birth there, and Joseph catching baby Jesus, cutting the umbilical cord, and handing Him up to his sweet betrothed. I can feel their exhaustion, their elation, their joy, their fear at being responsible for this tiny life - precious and unique and wonderful. And the weight of knowing that their baby is so much more than a baby. Their baby is the Son of God, God made flesh, God with us. Hallelujah, Immanuel is here.
Thank you, Ruth, for already teaching us so much about life and Christmas. Thank you for being our December baby.
Monday, December 7, 2015
3 Days Old
Dear Ruthie,
Today was our first outing with you - to the Doctor's Office! You were pretty fussy during the appointment; you probably didn't like being all poked and prodded.
You weigh 7 lbs, 2 oz, which is what you weighed when we left the hospital. The pediatrician was pleased though - it means you are at least maintaining your weight. We have about two weeks to get you back up to 7 lbs, 7 oz. You measured 21 inches long, meaning that you already grew half an inch in just three days! How is that possible?!
Papa came over to visit you today and you both took a nap on the couch:
Then your daddy and I had such a fun, relaxing, blessed evening with you by the Christmas tree. We laid you down with all the lights off except the tree and you just stared at it with wide-eyed wonder. It is so fun and special seeing you see this all for the first time.
Your daddy leaned over to cuddle you and I caught this special moment, too, where you are reaching up to him.
You make us laugh, little one - after a good feeding, you get so sleepy and happy looking. So relaxed with a tummy full of mommy's warm milk.
Today was our first outing with you - to the Doctor's Office! You were pretty fussy during the appointment; you probably didn't like being all poked and prodded.
Heading to see the doctor! |
Papa came over to visit you today and you both took a nap on the couch:
A Papa in his natural habitat. |
Looking at the pretty tree. |
Cuddles with daddy. |
Relaxing on the floor with a sleepy milk smile. |
Thank you for being such a great kid. We love you and are delighted to see how you are growing and changing every day. Keep it up, Ruthie! You are doing great.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
2 Days Old
Dear Ruthie,
Today was your first full day at home! We did not go to church today but instead cuddled you all day and all night. Dream. Come. True.
You had several visitors today:
Hannah and her mama:
Betty and Fred:
Memaw and Papa:
Plus, we FaceTimed with Uncle Brad, Aunt Paige, and cousin Blaire! We put this big pink bow on you (your mama couldn't help it!) and a floral baby gown.
We have discovered that you like to have your ankles crossed and your knees pulled up, like a little frog, especially when we try to change your diapers! We put you in this little baby sleep gown today and you loved it! You liked that it was looser than the floral one - we like that it has elephants and giraffes on it. And we think you look just oh-so-beautiful, especially with the headband from my baby shower on.
Your daddy and I could sit for hours and stare at you. I'm trying not to waste the time that I get to hold you - either for feedings or just for cuddles. I'm trying to be really intentional not to just watch shows on Netflix or play on my phone. These days are fleeting, they say, and I want to use them well. So I'm praying for you often, baby girl. I'm also starting to read through "The Power of a Praying Parent" that I received from Memaw at my baby shower. The book gives different devotionals, a prayer prompt, and some verses related to different themes. I hope and pray that the Lord uses those in a powerful way in your life, baby girl.
Today was your first full day at home! We did not go to church today but instead cuddled you all day and all night. Dream. Come. True.
You had several visitors today:
Hannah and her mama:
Hannah! |
Betty and Fred:
Ms. Betty! |
Memaw and Papa:
Memaw cuddling you. |
Plus, we FaceTimed with Uncle Brad, Aunt Paige, and cousin Blaire! We put this big pink bow on you (your mama couldn't help it!) and a floral baby gown.
Big yawn!! |
So sassy and sleepy. |
Folding your hands to pray. |
One of our favorite photos of you so far! |
Staring at you. We love you so much, baby girl. |
Love love love,
Saturday, December 5, 2015
1 Day Old
Dear Ruth,
We brought you home today! We were discharged from the hospital this afternoon after a long night of marathon nursing and receiving lots of instructions about postpartum care for me and you. Your daddy packed all our things into the Jeep, we dressed you in your first ever outfit, and your daddy loaded you into your carseat.
The nurse (Yulia) was impressed because she said you were snuggled into your carseat perfectly. She was convinced that a car seat technician had been in to do it! But nope - just a daddy who loves his baby girl!
I sat in the back seat with you on the way home and watched you sleep the whole ride.
I was afraid that we'd get you home, then be like, "What do we do now?!" but instead, we got you home and immediately wanted to cuddle and hold you... then you started to cry. And I thought, "Oh no! What do I do?!" Then I thought, "What would I do if we were still at the hospital?" And I realized that I would nurse you. So that's what I did. Mama instincts. Gotta learn to trust them!
We're excited to have you home, Ruth. It feels like you've always been with us.
We brought you home today! We were discharged from the hospital this afternoon after a long night of marathon nursing and receiving lots of instructions about postpartum care for me and you. Your daddy packed all our things into the Jeep, we dressed you in your first ever outfit, and your daddy loaded you into your carseat.
Your first "taste" of clothing - a fox sleeper from Aunt Holly. |
Ready to leave the hospital! |
I was afraid that we'd get you home, then be like, "What do we do now?!" but instead, we got you home and immediately wanted to cuddle and hold you... then you started to cry. And I thought, "Oh no! What do I do?!" Then I thought, "What would I do if we were still at the hospital?" And I realized that I would nurse you. So that's what I did. Mama instincts. Gotta learn to trust them!
Best. Present. Ever. |
Friday, December 4, 2015
Happy Birthday, Ruth Viola!
Dear Ruthie,
You are here. Outside of mommy's tummy. In our big, bright, noisy world. You are here, in the flesh, with a head full of dark hair, with strong lungs and a strong heart. You are here. You are here, safe in my arms, being cuddled constantly, with kisses all over your sweet head.
And here's how you got here:
Yesterday, at 2:00am, I started feeling contractions (guess that whole fresh pineapple worked after all!!). I was able to sleep for a couple more hours, but at about 4:00am, I couldn't sleep any more. I got up, came into the kitchen, and worked on thank you cards. As contractions hit (all centered in my back), I would stand up, bend over, and pray and praise the Lord that your time was coming without having to endure our scheduled induction! Your daddy got up mid-morning and helped me through some more contractions...
... then by 1:00pm, my contractions were strong and about 3 or 4 minutes apart. So we headed to the hospital, anticipating that you could be here soon! Memaw, Papa, and Ms. Linda met us there. When they checked me out, I was fully effaced, but only dilated to 2.5 cm, not far enough along to be admitted. They admitted my contractions were strong, though, so my body was making progress! And they said they'd for sure see us later that night! The nurses gave us three options: walk around the hospital for a couple hours and then be checked again, walk around town / stores, or go home. We decided to go home. I had a couple more contractions (strong ones!) before we left the hospital that made me stop, breathe, and force your daddy to rub my back. And then we headed home!
At home, I sat on the couch while your daddy applied counter-pressure to my back. I took a hot bath. I took a hot shower and let the water just run on me. We tried to watch "Cutthroat Kitchen" but I couldn't concentrate and we had to keep pausing it for contractions... which again, kept getting stronger and stronger. Every time a contraction came, your daddy or I would pray out loud for strength and endurance. I had also written out scripture on some index cards and your daddy would read those to me to help give me strength and something on which I could concentrate. They were a big help. I kept thinking about what Janelle told me - allow labor and delivery to be a time of worship: The Lord is with me and He alone knows what I am going through; trust Him in it and worship Him in it. So that's what we did. I tried to eat some crackers and drink some water, but every time I did, I threw them up again.
Finally, at 8:00pm, I told your daddy that we had to go back to the hospital. My contractions were closer and even stronger than before. We loaded up the car, told Memaw and Papa we were heading to the hospital, and took off. We arrived at about 8:30 and they hooked me up to the monitors in triage again to see how things were going.
Yvette was our triage nurse and she was so nice, Ruthie! At one point, a contraction came and as I struggled to breathe through it on my back, Yvette said, "You are stronger than this contraction!" I looked at her and said, "I am not, but my God is!" She laughed a little and said, "Through Him, you are stronger!"
They asked me about my pain management - if I wanted an epidural or anything - and I told them I wanted to deliver as naturally as possible, with no medicine.
They tried to take some blood for tests, but I was so dehydrated from throwing up earlier in the day that they could hardly find my veins. Yvette inserted an IV into the back of my hand and they began pumping me full of fluids.
Then, out of no where, your heart rate dropped to about 60 BPM (from 130-140). Alarms started sounding and we were suddenly surrounded by sweet, caring nurses. They rolled me onto my side, gave me oxygen, and we prayed that your heart rate would come back up. By the grace of God, it did, Ruth. I was so worried for you and in that moment, I thought, "Just give me a C-Section so that she can be here and be safe!" So much for "natural" childbirth. I think the Lord used that to help us continue to trust Him.
They checked me again - I was at 4cm and ready to be admitted. By about 9:00pm, I was in a room and your daddy and I were laboring away. He was the best support I could have asked for - constantly in prayer for me and you, rubbing my back, supporting me as I swayed through contractions.
Within just a few minutes (no joke!), I was dilated to 6cm and the doctor (Dr. Downing from Generations Medical) came in - they had decided to break my water. So at about 9:30pm, I laid back on the bed, they grabbed the crochet-hook type thing, and broke my water. And out with the gush of amniotic fluid came a gush of meconium. You had passed stool in my fluid, putting you at risk for meconium in your lungs and stomach. And because of that, we had to be continually hooked up to the monitors in our room. And it meant the pediatrician had to be in the room when you were delivered to check you out right away. Praise the Lord, the pediatrician from Ptarmigan (Dr. Hess) was there on call.
We labored through some more contractions - without your daddy, I don't think I could have endured. I never really screamed or yelled, but I certainly moaned loudly towards the end! And I'm so thankful that I told them up front that I wanted to do it naturally because they never asked me again how I was doing or if I needed any medicine. Had they asked, I may have taken them up on it!
At about 11:40pm, the urge to pass stool came on hard and strong. Mandy, our awesome RN, had me lay down on the bed to check my progress. I was at 8cm. At about 11:50pm, I told her, "No, I really have to poop!" She checked me again - 9cm.
At that point, the nurses started getting ready. Dr. Downing came in and "suited up." Dr. Hess came in (and sat in a chair reading a magazine and looking at my chart). Yvette got to be your nurse, Ruthie, and Mandy was there for me.
At about 12:15am, I told them, "I have to push!" and crawled into the bed. Mandy held on my legs and your daddy held the other. As the doctor helped massage and stretch me some more, I started to push. Yvette told me, "Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in - PUSH! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Good! Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in - PUSH! 1, 2, 3..." until I did three pushes per contraction. Then I rested until the next one hit.
I asked the nurses, "How many more pushes?" And they said they didn't know. I asked, "Less than 100?" And they laughed and said yes. I was glad about that!
Finally, your daddy could see you coming! And girly, you had a full head of dark hear leading the way! The doctor started joking about braiding your hair while we were waiting for you to be born. I asked your daddy, "Is she really there? Can you see her?! Does she have hair?!" and he answered the affirmative for all those questions. You were there, Ruthie, fixing to come out.
When your head started to crown, Dr. Downing asked me if I wanted to feel your head - I reached my hand down and felt you - a little hard, a little slimy, and a little bumpy. I didn't know it at the time, but your daddy said I was the first person to feel you - and I'm so glad. You had been inside me for so long, wiggling away, but I had never felt you on the outside.
Then Ruthie, after only 30 minutes of pushing and breathing, at 12:45am, your head popped out, followed quickly by your shoulders and perfect little body. You gave a quick cry as your daddy cut the umbilical cord and you were taken by Dr. Hess and Yvette to be cleaned up.
The Lord is so good - we learned from Memaw and Papa afterward that right when you were born - at 12:45am - it started snowing outside. Our little Alaskan snow baby.
Dr. Hess and Yvette had to syringe some fluid out of your mouth and rubbed you clean of the meconium. Your 1-minutes APGAR was an 8 / 10 and your 5-minute APGAR was 9 / 10. You were perfect.
I had you on my chest by 12:50am. Oh Ruthie - seeing you was perfect. Your daddy and I were in awe. Here was this little person, whom I had housed on the inside for over 41 weeks, finally here on my chest. Your ears, your nose, your fingers, your hair.... they were all fearfully and wonderfully made by our God and I praised Him for you!
As I held you and marveled at you, I quickly passed the placenta, and they stitched me up where I had torn.
The doctors all started to leave, but I called out to Dr. Hess, "Thank you, Dr. Hess, for being here!" and he looked back, a little surprised. Mandy said, "She said that without any pain medicine, so you know she meant it!" and he chuckled a little and said, "You're welcome." I thanked Dr. Downing, too, and she left for another delivery. Mandy went to the lobby to tell Memaw and Papa you were here. And Yvette told me that I did a great job.
In fact, several times, the nurses said that I was doing really well for being a first time mom! They said my body progressed quickly (much faster than the 1 cm per hour that is "textbook"), that I handled the pain really well, and that everything was perfect. I told them, "It is only by the grace of God!" and I really believe that. If your daddy and I had not intentionally prayed and worshiped throughout the whole thing, we could not have done it. No way. But by allowing the labor and delivery to really be a time of worship, of communing with our heavenly Father as we prepared to become your earthly mother and father, it turned into a truly beautiful and special time.
I nursed and Memaw and Papa came into the room shortly after that. They weighed you - 7 pounds, 7 ounces - and measured you - 20.5 inches long. And oh my girl, you were perfect: the perfect size (especially for being 10 days late!) and perfectly healthy.
Your daddy even checked the placenta... and there was nary a cyst to be found! Even Mandy looked at it and she could't see anything, either! The Lord fully and completely healed me, without us even knowing, and the cyst was completely gone. He is so good.
Mandy gave you your eye ointment and then left us to bond with you. And we just kept staring at you. By this point, it didn't matter that I had been up for 24 hours (and your daddy for nearly that long). All that mattered is you were there with us, safe and sound, and we were oh-so-happy.
Memaw and Papa left around 3:00am, your daddy flipped the couch into a bed, and Mandy told me I could take a shower (since I didn't have any interventions - woohoo!). I showered and crawled back into my (now clean) bed. And then I just held you on my chest for hours as we slept on and off.
Ruth, we are so glad you are here. We praise the Lord that we did not have to be induced, that you came on His timing, and that you were born strong and healthy. We praise the Lord for healing my placenta without us even knowing. I praise the Lord for granting me the strength and endurance to persevere through 23 hours of pure and intense back labor, for His word that sustains us, and for your daddy who had sore arms and hands for a couple days from pressing on my back.
We praise the Lord for you, baby girl. And we can't wait to see how He uses you in this life. We pray for you daily, that you will know Him and follow Him.
All the love we could ever muster,
You are here. Outside of mommy's tummy. In our big, bright, noisy world. You are here, in the flesh, with a head full of dark hair, with strong lungs and a strong heart. You are here. You are here, safe in my arms, being cuddled constantly, with kisses all over your sweet head.
And here's how you got here:
Yesterday, at 2:00am, I started feeling contractions (guess that whole fresh pineapple worked after all!!). I was able to sleep for a couple more hours, but at about 4:00am, I couldn't sleep any more. I got up, came into the kitchen, and worked on thank you cards. As contractions hit (all centered in my back), I would stand up, bend over, and pray and praise the Lord that your time was coming without having to endure our scheduled induction! Your daddy got up mid-morning and helped me through some more contractions...
... then by 1:00pm, my contractions were strong and about 3 or 4 minutes apart. So we headed to the hospital, anticipating that you could be here soon! Memaw, Papa, and Ms. Linda met us there. When they checked me out, I was fully effaced, but only dilated to 2.5 cm, not far enough along to be admitted. They admitted my contractions were strong, though, so my body was making progress! And they said they'd for sure see us later that night! The nurses gave us three options: walk around the hospital for a couple hours and then be checked again, walk around town / stores, or go home. We decided to go home. I had a couple more contractions (strong ones!) before we left the hospital that made me stop, breathe, and force your daddy to rub my back. And then we headed home!
At home, I sat on the couch while your daddy applied counter-pressure to my back. I took a hot bath. I took a hot shower and let the water just run on me. We tried to watch "Cutthroat Kitchen" but I couldn't concentrate and we had to keep pausing it for contractions... which again, kept getting stronger and stronger. Every time a contraction came, your daddy or I would pray out loud for strength and endurance. I had also written out scripture on some index cards and your daddy would read those to me to help give me strength and something on which I could concentrate. They were a big help. I kept thinking about what Janelle told me - allow labor and delivery to be a time of worship: The Lord is with me and He alone knows what I am going through; trust Him in it and worship Him in it. So that's what we did. I tried to eat some crackers and drink some water, but every time I did, I threw them up again.
Finally, at 8:00pm, I told your daddy that we had to go back to the hospital. My contractions were closer and even stronger than before. We loaded up the car, told Memaw and Papa we were heading to the hospital, and took off. We arrived at about 8:30 and they hooked me up to the monitors in triage again to see how things were going.
Yvette was our triage nurse and she was so nice, Ruthie! At one point, a contraction came and as I struggled to breathe through it on my back, Yvette said, "You are stronger than this contraction!" I looked at her and said, "I am not, but my God is!" She laughed a little and said, "Through Him, you are stronger!"
They asked me about my pain management - if I wanted an epidural or anything - and I told them I wanted to deliver as naturally as possible, with no medicine.
They tried to take some blood for tests, but I was so dehydrated from throwing up earlier in the day that they could hardly find my veins. Yvette inserted an IV into the back of my hand and they began pumping me full of fluids.
Then, out of no where, your heart rate dropped to about 60 BPM (from 130-140). Alarms started sounding and we were suddenly surrounded by sweet, caring nurses. They rolled me onto my side, gave me oxygen, and we prayed that your heart rate would come back up. By the grace of God, it did, Ruth. I was so worried for you and in that moment, I thought, "Just give me a C-Section so that she can be here and be safe!" So much for "natural" childbirth. I think the Lord used that to help us continue to trust Him.
They checked me again - I was at 4cm and ready to be admitted. By about 9:00pm, I was in a room and your daddy and I were laboring away. He was the best support I could have asked for - constantly in prayer for me and you, rubbing my back, supporting me as I swayed through contractions.
Within just a few minutes (no joke!), I was dilated to 6cm and the doctor (Dr. Downing from Generations Medical) came in - they had decided to break my water. So at about 9:30pm, I laid back on the bed, they grabbed the crochet-hook type thing, and broke my water. And out with the gush of amniotic fluid came a gush of meconium. You had passed stool in my fluid, putting you at risk for meconium in your lungs and stomach. And because of that, we had to be continually hooked up to the monitors in our room. And it meant the pediatrician had to be in the room when you were delivered to check you out right away. Praise the Lord, the pediatrician from Ptarmigan (Dr. Hess) was there on call.
We labored through some more contractions - without your daddy, I don't think I could have endured. I never really screamed or yelled, but I certainly moaned loudly towards the end! And I'm so thankful that I told them up front that I wanted to do it naturally because they never asked me again how I was doing or if I needed any medicine. Had they asked, I may have taken them up on it!
At about 11:40pm, the urge to pass stool came on hard and strong. Mandy, our awesome RN, had me lay down on the bed to check my progress. I was at 8cm. At about 11:50pm, I told her, "No, I really have to poop!" She checked me again - 9cm.
At that point, the nurses started getting ready. Dr. Downing came in and "suited up." Dr. Hess came in (and sat in a chair reading a magazine and looking at my chart). Yvette got to be your nurse, Ruthie, and Mandy was there for me.
At about 12:15am, I told them, "I have to push!" and crawled into the bed. Mandy held on my legs and your daddy held the other. As the doctor helped massage and stretch me some more, I started to push. Yvette told me, "Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in - PUSH! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Good! Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in - PUSH! 1, 2, 3..." until I did three pushes per contraction. Then I rested until the next one hit.
I asked the nurses, "How many more pushes?" And they said they didn't know. I asked, "Less than 100?" And they laughed and said yes. I was glad about that!
Finally, your daddy could see you coming! And girly, you had a full head of dark hear leading the way! The doctor started joking about braiding your hair while we were waiting for you to be born. I asked your daddy, "Is she really there? Can you see her?! Does she have hair?!" and he answered the affirmative for all those questions. You were there, Ruthie, fixing to come out.
When your head started to crown, Dr. Downing asked me if I wanted to feel your head - I reached my hand down and felt you - a little hard, a little slimy, and a little bumpy. I didn't know it at the time, but your daddy said I was the first person to feel you - and I'm so glad. You had been inside me for so long, wiggling away, but I had never felt you on the outside.
Then Ruthie, after only 30 minutes of pushing and breathing, at 12:45am, your head popped out, followed quickly by your shoulders and perfect little body. You gave a quick cry as your daddy cut the umbilical cord and you were taken by Dr. Hess and Yvette to be cleaned up.
The Lord is so good - we learned from Memaw and Papa afterward that right when you were born - at 12:45am - it started snowing outside. Our little Alaskan snow baby.
Dr. Hess and Yvette had to syringe some fluid out of your mouth and rubbed you clean of the meconium. Your 1-minutes APGAR was an 8 / 10 and your 5-minute APGAR was 9 / 10. You were perfect.
I had you on my chest by 12:50am. Oh Ruthie - seeing you was perfect. Your daddy and I were in awe. Here was this little person, whom I had housed on the inside for over 41 weeks, finally here on my chest. Your ears, your nose, your fingers, your hair.... they were all fearfully and wonderfully made by our God and I praised Him for you!
First picture, all snuggled on mommy. |
Our first family photo at the hospital. <3 |
The doctors all started to leave, but I called out to Dr. Hess, "Thank you, Dr. Hess, for being here!" and he looked back, a little surprised. Mandy said, "She said that without any pain medicine, so you know she meant it!" and he chuckled a little and said, "You're welcome." I thanked Dr. Downing, too, and she left for another delivery. Mandy went to the lobby to tell Memaw and Papa you were here. And Yvette told me that I did a great job.
In fact, several times, the nurses said that I was doing really well for being a first time mom! They said my body progressed quickly (much faster than the 1 cm per hour that is "textbook"), that I handled the pain really well, and that everything was perfect. I told them, "It is only by the grace of God!" and I really believe that. If your daddy and I had not intentionally prayed and worshiped throughout the whole thing, we could not have done it. No way. But by allowing the labor and delivery to really be a time of worship, of communing with our heavenly Father as we prepared to become your earthly mother and father, it turned into a truly beautiful and special time.
I nursed and Memaw and Papa came into the room shortly after that. They weighed you - 7 pounds, 7 ounces - and measured you - 20.5 inches long. And oh my girl, you were perfect: the perfect size (especially for being 10 days late!) and perfectly healthy.
Getting weighed. Such a big girl! |
Mandy gave you your eye ointment and then left us to bond with you. And we just kept staring at you. By this point, it didn't matter that I had been up for 24 hours (and your daddy for nearly that long). All that mattered is you were there with us, safe and sound, and we were oh-so-happy.
Memaw and Papa left around 3:00am, your daddy flipped the couch into a bed, and Mandy told me I could take a shower (since I didn't have any interventions - woohoo!). I showered and crawled back into my (now clean) bed. And then I just held you on my chest for hours as we slept on and off.
Kisses from Memaw |
Papa saying goodnight. |
We praise the Lord for you, baby girl. And we can't wait to see how He uses you in this life. We pray for you daily, that you will know Him and follow Him.
All the love we could ever muster,
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
41 Weeks
Dear Baby Batts,
You are now 41 weeks, putting you one week past due date! You little stinker. We have nothing but love and excitement to meet you later this week. They are starting the process to induce me tomorrow evening and you'll be here on Friday... unless you come on your own before then! There's still time, baby girl.
At our ultrasound yesterday, we were told there is still plenty of fluid surrounding you (15+ cm and the minimum is 8-10 cm). We saw your brain and your heart and they both looked strong and healthy. I told your daddy last night, "That was probably the last time we'll ever see her heart!" As soon as you are born, we won't see you via ultrasound any more - we'll see you with our own eyes.
I ate some pineapple last night, hoping that it would help you come... and while I had a couple of menstrual-like cramps, there's been nothing else. However, we did of buy a fresh pineapple tonight... and ate the whole stinking thing! It was delicious and hopefully it will help you come sooner.
Last night, your daddy and I also spent a good amount of time reading through some of the letters I've written you in this special space - from the first day we found out about you, to hearing your heartbeat for the first time, to your gender-revealing ultrasound, to getting the "all clear" from the specialist, to thinking about some of our favorite date nights together... it was so sweet looking back and remembering where the Lord has taken us during this 41-week journey!
So, in honor of our 41st week (and the last week with you in my tummy):
And PS - a look back at the first time I wore this maternity shirt!!
And, in honor of Christmas coming this month:
You are now 41 weeks, putting you one week past due date! You little stinker. We have nothing but love and excitement to meet you later this week. They are starting the process to induce me tomorrow evening and you'll be here on Friday... unless you come on your own before then! There's still time, baby girl.
At our ultrasound yesterday, we were told there is still plenty of fluid surrounding you (15+ cm and the minimum is 8-10 cm). We saw your brain and your heart and they both looked strong and healthy. I told your daddy last night, "That was probably the last time we'll ever see her heart!" As soon as you are born, we won't see you via ultrasound any more - we'll see you with our own eyes.
I ate some pineapple last night, hoping that it would help you come... and while I had a couple of menstrual-like cramps, there's been nothing else. However, we did of buy a fresh pineapple tonight... and ate the whole stinking thing! It was delicious and hopefully it will help you come sooner.
Last night, your daddy and I also spent a good amount of time reading through some of the letters I've written you in this special space - from the first day we found out about you, to hearing your heartbeat for the first time, to your gender-revealing ultrasound, to getting the "all clear" from the specialist, to thinking about some of our favorite date nights together... it was so sweet looking back and remembering where the Lord has taken us during this 41-week journey!
So, in honor of our 41st week (and the last week with you in my tummy):
Yay! We'll see you soon! |
You're still in there? |
Ruthie. Come out! |
Sassy "Come Out" |
Giving you tummy hugs. |
Laughing about the pictures. |
Looking at the big bump. |
Final Side Bump Picture! |
Front bump - so round! |
And PS - a look back at the first time I wore this maternity shirt!!
And, in honor of Christmas coming this month:
We are all ready for you - and can't wait to (start to) meet you soon!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
40 Weeks, 6 Days
Dear Baby Batts,
Will, my little bitty girl... we don't know what's going on! You're nestled snug in there and (according to yesterday's non-stress test), seem to be doing just fine... though I haven't had contractions for a couple days now. Your heart is strong, your movements are regular, and you seem to be quite content sitting low in your mama's tummy.
Donna is doing an ultrasound today (in less than an hour!) so that we can make sure all is well... and that will determine when we are inducing you. You've got to come sooner or later. And at this point, your daddy and I are ready for it to be sooner.
We love you to the moon and can't wait to see you and hold you sometime this week!
Will, my little bitty girl... we don't know what's going on! You're nestled snug in there and (according to yesterday's non-stress test), seem to be doing just fine... though I haven't had contractions for a couple days now. Your heart is strong, your movements are regular, and you seem to be quite content sitting low in your mama's tummy.
Donna is doing an ultrasound today (in less than an hour!) so that we can make sure all is well... and that will determine when we are inducing you. You've got to come sooner or later. And at this point, your daddy and I are ready for it to be sooner.
We love you to the moon and can't wait to see you and hold you sometime this week!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
40 Weeks, 4 Days
Dear Baby Batts,
In less than one week, you will be here. Either induced or not, you'll make your appearance by next weekend. People asked about you like crazy at church today! But if I think you were the topic of conversation today, I can just imagine how it will be when you make your appearance at church in a couple of weeks.
After a (spicy) Chinese food lunch, Memaw and I got pedicures for her birthday! The foot and leg massage felt really nice and - if my nail technician rubbed the right spots - it may help you come sooner.
Getting pedicures together was your Memaw's birthday present (a month and a half late) but it was so nice to do it together today. We relaxed, enjoyed the massaging chairs, got nice leg and foot massages, and picked out fun nail polish colors.
This is my last Sunday without you in my arms and in my tummy instead. I hope you're cozy there, but I know you'll be cozy out here, too! If you don't come before 2:40pm tomorrow, we have an appointment with Donna that will include an ultrasound (to check fluid levels around you), a general check-up, and induction discussion.
We have a feeling you'll be a December baby, to be honest. Uncle Brad is betting on December 2nd, but I don't know what others think. With how wiggly you've been tonight, maybe you're getting into
position now.
We can't wait to see your little face again tomorrow (either in person or via ultrasound!). We pray for you daily, Ruthie, and we look forward to covering you in kisses and wrapping you in hugs!
In less than one week, you will be here. Either induced or not, you'll make your appearance by next weekend. People asked about you like crazy at church today! But if I think you were the topic of conversation today, I can just imagine how it will be when you make your appearance at church in a couple of weeks.
After a (spicy) Chinese food lunch, Memaw and I got pedicures for her birthday! The foot and leg massage felt really nice and - if my nail technician rubbed the right spots - it may help you come sooner.
Big baby belly! |
Your Memaw looking oh-so-cute! |
Your mama just feeling pampered. |
Standing outside with painted toes. |
This is my last Sunday without you in my arms and in my tummy instead. I hope you're cozy there, but I know you'll be cozy out here, too! If you don't come before 2:40pm tomorrow, we have an appointment with Donna that will include an ultrasound (to check fluid levels around you), a general check-up, and induction discussion.
We have a feeling you'll be a December baby, to be honest. Uncle Brad is betting on December 2nd, but I don't know what others think. With how wiggly you've been tonight, maybe you're getting into
position now.
We can't wait to see your little face again tomorrow (either in person or via ultrasound!). We pray for you daily, Ruthie, and we look forward to covering you in kisses and wrapping you in hugs!
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