Monday, May 29, 2017

34 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

I am SO thankful that I'm home from work today for Memorial Day. I've been so so sick this weekend (my birthday weekend!!). I skipped church yesterday and just slept. And today, all I've wanted to do is rest. I have a prescription that I'm taking, just in case I have some kind of illness/infection and not just allergies. I hope it works!

Today you are 34 weeks! We are just about a month and a half away from meeting you, little girl! You are growing bigger and bigger (and moving more and more!) so the amniotic fluid in my tummy is diminishing to make room for you. You close your eyes while you sleep and have them open when you're awake. Hopefully you'll be doing lots of snoozing when you are born! That coating on your skin will be coming off soon so that when you're born you'll be all sorts of cuddly. You weigh about five pounds now and are about a foot and a half long.

We haven't put together your cradle. We haven't installed your carseat. We haven't brought the newborn clothes up from the crawl space. And yet, our hearts are open wide and we can't wait to meet you.


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