Monday, May 22, 2017

33 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

33 weeks! Less than two months! You're drinking my amniotic fluid, gaining weight quickly, and running out of space in my tummy. I can often feel your foot on my right-side still, and your little butt jutting out to the left. You're nearly a foot and a half long and about 4 pounds. Your weight could still double before you are born!

We talked a lot about your development Friday night, which was funny and random. Ms. Lesley is interviewing to work at a midwifery, so I was telling her about my experiences. Then the college and career students started asking about your progress, what your body is like now, whether or not your eyes are open... and I got so excited being able to tell them how you've changed and developed.

I've had bad leg cramps recently, in the middle of the night. I know I need some good rest, but things are so busy lately that it's hard to get it. I really need to just commit to sleep and rest before you get here. I know I can't "store it up" for the days following your birth, but I can at least be more prepared!

Mimi and Papa are still living with us - but I think they want to head out this week. Then we'll sneak into your room, do some redecorating, and try getting things organized for you.

We love you, Clara. Come when you're ready, baby girl. There's a big world ready to meet you!


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