Monday, May 8, 2017

31 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Happy 31 weeks, little one! You spend more time sleeping (and dreaming) these days, use all five senses to process information, and can turn your head from side-to-side. You weigh over 3 pound sand are about 16 inches long! At my last appointment, Donna said your head is down in position, where it will stay for the remainder of your time in utero. And the other day, I know I felt the heel of a foot on my right side and your little wiggly butt on my left!

I've been walking every day at work, but today's laps were significantly slower than last week's! I know it's partly because I'm still not feeling well... but it's also because your growth has pushed my other organs (lungs included) into a new place. It's more difficult for me to take deep breaths.

I've also been clumsier lately, going to the bathroom more often (and waking up at night to do so now), and have had some leg/foot cramps lately.

But my FMLA paperwork was approved! Right now, I'm anticipating being home with you from July 8th through September 10th. Yay!! I can't wait to cuddle and snuggle you every day.

I love you, Clara!


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