Monday, July 3, 2017

39 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

39 weeks! You are technically due in one week, but could make your appearance at any time. And we. can't. wait.

This week, your outer layer of skin is shedding and new skin is emerging. This may make it look like you have some dry skin, but it's really just the newness of life showing! Your little lungs are fully mature and ready for some loud screaming after you're born and thrust into our bright, cold world. Oh, I can't wait to hear those cries! You are about the size of a watermelon at 20 inches long and likely 7 or 8 pounds.

I'm trying to get rest (not as much as daddy thinks I should be!) but I could NOT sleep last night. If it happens again tonight, I'm just going to get up and read or sew or crochet. Laying in bed wide awake was no fun!

I have another doctor's appointment on July 5th (if you don't come before then). I ate that whole pineapple this weekend and am now praying that labor starts today so that I can deliver you tomorrow (the 4th). Mimi flies in tonight and daddy and I were talking about how cool it would be if all our kids are born on the fourth day of the month.

But still, not much progress, it seems. So we will keep waiting and praying and anticipating your arrival.

We love you, Clara-bou. See you soon!


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