Friday, April 14, 2017

27 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today is Good Friday. Today we remember the Lord's sacrifice on the cross, His suffering and death so that our sins may be forgiven. We attended a Good Friday service at FLBC tonight, where we heard Jesus's seven last phrases from the cross, took communion, and engaged in worship.

On the drive home, daddy and I started talking about the chaos that would have ensued when He died:
  • Total darkness for three hours in the middle of the day
  • An earthquake in Jerusalem
But most surprising...
  • The curtain in the temple tearing in two.
It was Passover, which means there were more people than normal in Jerusalem. Animals would have been wandering all over the temple, waiting for their turn as the sacrifice. Priests would have been "all hands on deck" managing the crowds, sacrificing animals, ensuring things were done correctly and honoring to the Lord...

When all of a sudden, they start to hear a "riiiiiip" and the curtain (six feet wide of material!) begins to come apart and fall to the ground. Riiiiiip. The Holiest of Holies is exposed for everyone to see. Riiiiiip. Priests, men, women... anyone around had a visual into the room reserved for once-a-year entrance to the High Priest only. Riiiiiip. Everything had changed. Riiiiiip.

Christ came to us, born as a baby, so that we could be reconciled to the Most High God. So that we could access that Holiest of Holies where entrance had previously been denied to all. And on Good Friday, that purpose was fulfilled.

Christ was dead. The curtain was torn. And Sunday was coming.


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