Monday, December 19, 2016

11 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

You are 11 weeks and about the size of a lime! Your face is distinct now, with ears in their final place (almost!), lips and mouth formed, and open passages in your nose. You are getting longer and straighter – no more curving around for you! Your paper-thin skin is translucent, but your bones are in place. They are starting to harden, but are still soft… that means it’s easier for you to tumble around in utero!

I’ve been seeing a chiropractor recently (due to some pain in my jaw) and it’s helped my back a lot, too. I’ll probably keep going, even though my jaw feels better, but maybe not all the time. Back pain is no Bueno!

THIS WEEK we get to hear your heartbeat again! The day after tomorrow… the winter solstice… yay! Speaking of winter, we got a lot of snow this last weekend, so it finally looks like winter again. Unfortunately, the wind picked up and blew some of it away. Winter solstice also means the days will be getting longer again which is always nice!

Today after work, I have a chiropractor appointment, then we’re going to Memaw and Papa’s house for dinner and to help them with a couple projects. They’re trying to finish their house so they can put it on the market and then move to Oregon. We are really going to miss them!!

Well, baby – we pray for you daily: that you grow strong and healthy, that you keep developing as you need to, and that Wednesday’s appointment goes well.

So keep it up! You’re doing great.



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