Monday, January 16, 2017

15 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

You are 15 weeks! Eek! You can breathe and regularly take in amniotic fluid. This is helping your lungs work out and get strong for when you exit the womb in about 25 weeks. Your little legs are getting longer. You can sense light! You’re about the size of an apple (which I’ve been eating a lot of, with peanut butter!). You’re forming taste buds, too, so that you can eat yummy things and enjoy them. Soon we’ll get to schedule our ultrasound for your anatomy scan. I can’t wait! I’m hoping that when we see your little face (and learn your gender!) we’ll know what name to give you.

Within the next couple of weeks, I should be feeling you move regularly. And since you can hear, we can start reading to you now. Lately, though, you’ve probably been hearing us watch “Dr. Who” or workout video narrations.

I’ve been feeling pretty good lately – not as tired or nauseous (unless I wait too long to eat). I’ve been hungry (like, almost all the time). But daddy and I have been trying to eat more protein and that helps. I have no idea how much weight I’ve gained, but I guess we’ll find out on Wednesday at our appointment!

I love you, little bug. Can’t wait to see your cute face soon!



Saturday, January 14, 2017

14 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today, Daddy and I celebrated our three-year anniversary. We stopped for coffee then drove into Anchorage. We went to Bass Pro Shop, JoAnn, and Burlington. Then we ate a delicious lunch at Olive Garden (I had chicken and pasta). We walked off some of the breadsticks at Lowes afterward, looking at tile and flooring for a house project this summer (we are installing a fire place and can’t wait!).

I want you and Ruth to grow up knowing that mine and Daddy’s relationship is the most important, after our relationships with God. I love your daddy more than you’ll ever know. I picked him and he picked me. And we will be together as long as we both shall live. Little one, we love you and your sister so much… but I will always love daddy even more. He is such a strong man – he is so caring, compassionate, and kind. He is patient and understanding. He is a servant leader in our family. I love and respect him and I will expect you and your siblings to do the same.

Happy Date Day to us and happy almost-15 weeks to you!



Friday, January 13, 2017

14 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

One of my goals for 2017 is to read at least one book a month. At work on my lunch break, I’ve been reading Hope Unfolding by Becky Thompson. It is encouraging this mama heart to pursue grace in my life and offer it to others. It is challenging me to look for how the Lord is working in in the “little” day-to-day events. And it is giving me hope that He is with me – with our little, growing family – every day.

I haven’t been able to feel you moving consistently yet. And I’m being tempted to allow fear to take root. What if you aren’t okay? What if something happened? What if…? What if…? What if…? But I will not fall subject to that temptation. Instead, we are praying for you daily, little one.

Next Monday is a holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), so I get a three-day weekend. Woohoo! Then next week, we have another appointment and will get to hear your heartbeat.

Can’t wait.

Love you so!


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

14 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts #2,

Today is mine and Daddy’s 3-year wedding anniversary! In the last three years, we have gone on many adventures – throughout Alaska, to Alabama, Oregon, Arizona, and more. We have two little babies (Ruthie and you). We bought a house (our first house!). We paid off the Jeep and bought Daddy a truck. The last three years have been full of adventure… but as you join our family this year, I know the adventures are just beginning!



Monday, January 9, 2017

14 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

We are officially in the second trimester! I woke up with more energy, less nausea, and generally feeling pretty well. Next week, we get to hear your little heartbeat again!

At 14 weeks, you can make all sorts of facial expressions: squints, frowns, grimaces… and hopefully smiles!! Your arms are growing into proportion with the rest of your body and at the same time, you’re able to grasp things and make a fist. And hair is starting to grow on you to keep you warm and cozy inside my tummy… that is, until you get chunkier and prepare for delivery! You’re about the size of a lemon now, but your hands and feet alone are half an inch long. I’m amazed at how the Lord is knitting you together, little one, and we can’t wait to see you on ultrasound in about 6 more weeks!

This is a big week in our family: Daddy and I celebrate our third anniversary tomorrow. We are just staying home with you and Ruth, but this weekend, we are going into Anchorage for a date day. We’re going to go shopping at Bass Pro and JoAnn’s (we have gift cards!), are going to see a movie (“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”), and eat lunch (maybe at Olive Garden). Yumm. And, of course, coffees on the way into town!

I’m trying to work out regularly for us, little one – walking at work sometimes, and 20-ish minute videos some evenings at home. I think tonight I’ll do a prenatal kickboxing video! Daddy works out with me sometimes, too, which is fun.

Okay, little one… I love you. And I pray for you daily, that you will grow strong and healthy, that our next appointment will go well, and that you are warm and cozy in there. You. Are. The. Best.



Friday, January 6, 2017

13 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts #2,

What a week! I’ve been working in the office all week long, leaving our cozy and warm house at about 6:40am and getting home at 3:50pm. But it’s been a good week – Dada and Ruthie came to have lunch with me on Wednesday and today, I had lunch with Auntie Hannah here in Palmer. So that’s happy.

I’ve been tired, but as the first trimester wraps up, that should get better. And last night, I slept a full night without waking up at all (that I can remember). My nausea has improved (partly because I’ve been eating a snack when I first wake up!). I’ve had some cramping lately, but I think it’s just my round-ligament stretching.

I took a bath last night and my tummy stuck up out of the water. As I lounged in there, am pretty sure I’ve felt you wiggling a few times… but I’m not entirely positive. I can’t wait until I feel you regularly. That’s my favorite part of waiting for you to come.

Ruthie climbed onto my tummy this morning, before I got ready for work. She laid her head on my tummy, just hugging me, and it felt like she was hugging you, too. Your big sister loves you, little one.

We love you, too. I know you tell you that in every letter, but you really don’t even know the love we have for you. And the amazing thing is that the Lord loves you even more. He has such good plans for you, child, and as He knits you together in my tummy (Psalm 139:13), I know He is rejoicing over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).



Monday, January 2, 2017

13 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts #2,

At 13 weeks, we are nearing the end of the first trimester! You have unique fingerprints now, but your little organs and veins are visible through your paper-thin skin. You’re about 3 inches long and weigh almost an ounce! My tummy makes it look like you’re much bigger than that but alas – not yet!

This week, I start back to the office full time. I’ve been working from home twice a week for the last year, so this will be a hard transition. Who knows – after you’re born, maybe I’ll get to stay home again! The Lord knows… and I’m just trusting Him with that.

In the meantime, you are joining our family (on the outside) THIS YEAR!! In just 7 months (give or take) you’ll be here with us to hug and hold and feed and bathe and change diapers. Hooray! We. Are. Thrilled. And we can’t wait to meet you! Will you be quiet or boisterous? Will you like to snuggle or be on the move? Will you prefer math or reading? What sports or activities will you like? What kind of music? What instruments will you want to play?

Dada and I have been working out at home in the evenings. It’s so nice getting some movement in, especially knowing that what I’m doing is good for you AND me! I found some prenatal workouts on YouTube that I’ve been trying and so far, I really like them. I have to get ready to push you on out, little one!

I love you. And I can’t wait to meet you this year!

