Dear Baby Batts #2,
You are 15 weeks! Eek! You can breathe and regularly take in
amniotic fluid. This is helping your lungs work out and get strong for when you
exit the womb in about 25 weeks. Your little legs are getting longer. You can
sense light! You’re about the size of an apple (which I’ve been eating a lot
of, with peanut butter!). You’re forming taste buds, too, so that you can eat
yummy things and enjoy them. Soon we’ll get to schedule our ultrasound for your
anatomy scan. I can’t wait! I’m hoping that when we see your little face (and
learn your gender!) we’ll know what name to give you.
Within the next couple of weeks, I should be feeling you
move regularly. And since you can hear, we can start reading to you now.
Lately, though, you’ve probably been hearing us watch “Dr. Who” or workout
video narrations.
I’ve been feeling pretty good lately – not as tired or
nauseous (unless I wait too long to eat). I’ve been hungry (like, almost all
the time). But daddy and I have been trying to eat more protein and that helps.
I have no idea how much weight I’ve gained, but I guess we’ll find out on
Wednesday at our appointment!
I love you, little bug. Can’t wait to see your cute face