Friday, July 1, 2016

6 Months, 4 Weeks Old

Dear Ruthie,

At this point, you have five teeth. You are growing and growing and eating real food and playing independently and love to walk while we hold your hands. You scoot around on your tummy, love to get up on your knees and rock back and forth, and roll over in your bed when you don't want to sleep.

You make sounds allllll the time. You blow raspberries. You yell "MOOOOOOHM!!" when you want me sometimes. You say "Babababababa" and sometimes just move your lips without saying anything.

But now that we have moved into our new house (as of one week ago!), you aren't sleeping that great. For a few days, you slept in our bedroom at night because every time we tried to lay you down in your room, you screamed and fought it. You'd wake up at 1:30am crying inconsolably. You didn't want to take naps. So the other day, I just held you while you napped. We both lounged on our bed, cuddled up close, and rested.

I read this article today and thought of that quiet hour in our bedroom, the sun peeking through our new window, our soft blankets and pillows fluffed around us, your head resting on my chest. As you grow and learn to explore on your own more, I don't want to lose these moments forever.

So I'll carry them here, in my heart, and on the screen, hoping that one day we'll both look back and remember.

I love you more than you'll ever know.
