Sunday, November 29, 2015

40 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

In less than one week, you will be here. Either induced or not, you'll make your appearance by next weekend. People asked about you like crazy at church today! But if I think you were the topic of conversation today, I can just imagine how it will be when you make your appearance at church in a couple of weeks.

After a (spicy) Chinese food lunch, Memaw and I got pedicures for her birthday! The foot and leg massage felt really nice and - if my nail technician rubbed the right spots - it may help you come sooner.

Big baby belly! 
Your Memaw looking oh-so-cute!
Your mama just feeling pampered.
Standing outside with painted toes.
Getting pedicures together was your Memaw's birthday present (a month and a half late) but it was so nice to do it together today. We relaxed, enjoyed the massaging chairs, got nice leg and foot massages, and picked out fun nail polish colors.

This is my last Sunday without you in my arms and in my tummy instead. I hope you're cozy there, but I know you'll be cozy out here, too! If you don't come before 2:40pm tomorrow, we have an appointment with Donna that will include an ultrasound (to check fluid levels around you), a general check-up, and induction discussion.

We have a feeling you'll be a December baby, to be honest. Uncle Brad is betting on December 2nd, but I don't know what others think. With how wiggly you've been tonight, maybe you're getting into
position now.

We can't wait to see your little face again tomorrow (either in person or via ultrasound!). We pray for you daily, Ruthie, and we look forward to covering you in kisses and wrapping you in hugs!


Saturday, November 28, 2015

40 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Still not interested in coming? It's warm outside now! Almost all the snow has melted and the roads are nearly dry. You've got to be out of room by now... and judging by how you continue to push your butt and feet out, you're getting close to being completely squished in there.

Memaw and I went shopping again today, thinking that all that walking would help you squiggle down in there more. We went to the Colony High School Craft Fair, JoAnns, lunch at House of Bread, the Lego store, and Target. I bought the rest of your daddy's stocking stuffers, some wrapping paper, fabric, and a present for our Sunday School class Christmas party.

But still you didn't come!

We saw a lot of people we knew at the craft fair. And each of them asked, "When are you due?!" I told them, "Last week...." and they all laughed a little and gave me a sympathetic smile.

I do want you to come, baby girl, but as I think about it, I'll probably miss your inside wiggles, too. You feel like nothing I've ever felt before: there is LIFE inside of me. Life that the Lord created from one piece each of your daddy and me. The Lord transformed those two pieces into YOU and I get to feel you before anyone gets to hold you!

I think this Christmas will feel extra special to me - and not just because you'll be here. As I reflect on the Christmas story - of Christ leaving heaven to become a baby, of Joseph looking for a safe and warm place for the Son of Man to be born, of Mary cradling Love and Eternity in her arms in a manger - I think I'll reflect a lot on this special time with you: you becoming a baby. Your daddy seeking to protect us. Me cradling you in my arms.

It is the most wonderful time of the year, little one. I'm glad you'll be here with us for it.

Love and all my prayers,

Friday, November 27, 2015

40 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Still nothing, huh? You're still cozy, I guess!

We spent the morning shopping with Memaw and Papa - Fred Meyer, JoAnn Fabrics, Sportsman's Warehouse, lunch at Taco Bell, Three Bears... and when we got home, I was exhausted! I didn't even make it to the bedroom before I laid down on the couch and fell asleep... and I slept for three hours!

Your Papa was really hoping you'd come today so that it would have the least amount of interference with your daddy's schooling. But nope! So since you didn't come, your daddy and I did this:
TV shows on Netflix and sparkling cider!

We cancelled Bible study tonight. I posted on Facebook that, though you weren't here yet, you may be at any time... and that got EVERYONE excited. We got lots of texts and messages asking about you! In fact, Uncle Brad and Aunt Paige have a new hashtag just for you: #RuthWatch2015. I've started using it on Instagram!

We're just waiting (mostly patiently!) for you to come join us. And we're trying to enjoy these days together, too. They are fleeting!


Thursday, November 26, 2015

40 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts,

I confess: We want you to come. So. Badly.

But at the same time, your daddy and I are loving these last few days together. We prayed for these last few, precious days, where our family is just the two of us. So we've filled our days:

Watching TV on Netflix.
Eating cheese toast for dinner.
Drinking sparkling cider from our wedding cups.
Walking laps around stores looking at every aisle, just to move.
Snuggling in the burrito in the early morning.
Wearing cozy socks.
Decorating for Christmas.
Playing Candy Crush.
Taking photos.

We're praying you come soon, baby girl... but what if these last few days are really an answer to prayer, as your daddy told me a few minutes ago? What if the Lord knows that we need these last few days, so He's giving them to us? His "baby shower gift", if you will.

I'll probably keep bouncing on my ball. I'll sneak in bites of pineapple when I can. But I'm also trying to slow it down - slow down you coming - so that I can love on your daddy the best I can. He's more important, anyway.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

40 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

We are 40 weeks today! Your little body is about 15% fat, most of your vernix is gone (so your skin may be getting dry patches), and all systems are "GO!" for you to function outside of me! When you are born (whenever that may be), you'll only be able to focus on things about an inch from your face, but I think you'll recognize mine and your daddy's voices. I hope so, at least. We've been reading aloud to you each nigh from the book of Psalm, so if nothing else, you may recognize that.

I'm getting more and more uncomfortable, to be honest. My tummy makes it hard to bend over (even to put on my socks in the morning or roll over in the night). Other than that, I've had heartburn (especially at night), some Braxton Hicks contractions, and some sleepless nights.

40-Week Bump!
Big belly!
And one more :)

We are so excited to meet you, bug - and other people keep asking about you, too. Every morning, I get a text from Memaw asking how things are going... and every morning, I respond saying nothing has changed! 

Come soon! We love you!


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

39 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today is technically your due date! You had two due dates: one based on our ultrasound (tomorrow) and one date based on my last menstrual period (today - TMI?). Donna was using the one based on my LMP, so all my charts say you should come today - in theory.

However, you are comfy and cozy and not interested in exiting your "hot tub."

So today is full of:

Decorating our cute little Christmas tree...
Hanging up ornaments!

Trimming the tree!

Our little tree in our cozy home!
Watching "The Great British Baking Show" on Netflix...

Wearing sassy pants and drinking coffee...
Yay, sassy pants.


Sleeping in...

and generally waiting for you to come, little girl! 

Praying for you!


Monday, November 23, 2015

39 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Well, this isn't exactly how we anticipated today's appointment going:

Hooked up to monitors.

Excited.... NOT.
At our appointment today, we found out that I have not made any progress in preparing for you to come. Nothing, in fact, has changed in about three or four weeks. Ugh. We had hoped you'd be here by Thanksgiving, but that doesn't seem to be the case. 

However, I also mentioned that you were not super active today... so Donna sent us to the hospital for a baby stress test. We drove immediately there and they hooked us up to a machine that tracks your heart rate. You ranged between the 120s and the 150s, which is normal, but it was mostly low... we think you were just relaxed in there. The lead nurse had me drink some juice and ice water to see if it got you moving some. And it did! Donna came over to the hospital, checked your heart rate, and gave us a clean bill of health. Praise the Lord. 

The lead nurse and Donna both said it seemed like it would be a while before you joined us. They likened it to being in a hot tub: why would you, Ruthie, want to leave a warm cozy place to come into a cold, snowy world?! Can't say I blame you, baby girl...

... but if you don't come within about 11 days, they are going to induce me. And I really don't want that. 

Your daddy and I stopped at Q'doba for dinner. I got the spiciest cheese and salsa they had on my nachos (Donna said it may help move things along) but instead of helping, I think it just burned all of the tastebuds out of my mouth. Eek. Your daddy ate a bite or two of my nachos after I was full and he was shocked at the heat also! It ended up giving me some heartburn and an upset tummy. Not exactly what we were going for. 

We walked around Fred Meyer, too, and looked at all the things. I felt a couple of contractions (when we were hooked up to the monitors, I had a contraction that read on the chart; now that I know what they really feel like, I know I've had a couple of them throughout the last several days), which was encouraging. Not enough to think anything will happen soon but enough to stay hopeful that you really won't be in me forever.

We'll try to be patient, little bug, but I hope you don't get too too comfy in there... We want to see you in our arms and not just in my tummy. If you still aren't here on Monday, we'll get an ultrasound done to see how much fluid there is around you, view the location of my placenta, and discuss options for induction. 

We're praying it doesn't come to that. We trust that the Lord knows all of your days, Ruthie, and especially the first one. He has a good plan for you!

Love you to the moon,

Sunday, November 22, 2015

39 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

We have had quite the festive weekend, complete with two Thanksgiving dinners and lots of gingerbread decorating!

Friday night: Thanksgiving dinner with our college & career group. Highlights include...

  • Delicious potluck food (your daddy makes the BEST cranberry sauce!)
  • Pilgrim and Indian hat contest
  • Thanksgiving charades
  • Turkey hand contest
Most of the group with turkey hands!! I hung mine and your daddy's up on our door. :)
  • Lots of prizes
  • Staying late at Barbara's house 
Saturday: Decorating for Christmas! We aren't done yet, but pictures will be coming soon, baby girl!

Sunday: Thanksgiving dinner at FLBC! Again, yummy food, sweet fellowship with Thomas, Lesley, and Charlie, and thankfulness for what the Lord has done.

After Thanksgiving dinner, I went to Pastor Tom and Ms. Linda's house. We have a tradition to decorate gingerbread men every year!

Gingerbread Army!

Ms Linda, me, and Lesley
This year, Lesley helped, too. And we had so much fun just decorating and chatting. Next year, I'm excited to have you there with us, too!

We can't wait to have you here for Christmas (and hopefully, Thanksgiving) this year. We imagined you being on the way last January, baby girl, but are very thankful that you will be here with us - not just on the way. Come soon! We can't wait to play and cuddle.


Friday, November 20, 2015

39 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today is my last day at work before maternity leave! I've finished all my pending projects, cleaned up my desk, set the "out of office" on my email, and am ready to be out of here! I'm so excited to welcome you in the next couple weeks, little one, and am really looking forward to being home with you, bonding and cuddling. And I'm so so thankful that your daddy gets to be home with us, too! What a sweet deal we have going.

We're praying you come early next week so that we can have you at home on Thanksgiving. The Lord has given us so much to be thankful for you... including your precious little life!

You've been so much more active today, which I love. I can feel my abdomen tightening some. I don't know if you are wiggling or if they are Braxton Hicks contractions, or what is going on... but maybe you heard your daddy's pep talk to you last night and are getting ready to "hurry down the WOOHOO tonight!" Haha

I walked for about 20 minutes at work today, trying to sneak in some laps so that you may start to move down a little more and engage for labor and delivery. In no more than 15 days, you will be here with us! How exciting, baby girl.

We're praying you come soon, Ruthie... we are so excited to meet you.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

39 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts,

It has been snowing all day!
Bundled up!

I can't blame you for not coming yet... up until today, it has been just above or below 0* outside... and now, it looks like we're in the middle of a snow globe! 

But just so you know, your car seat is in the back of the Jeep and we're ready! Whenever you feel the desire, feel free to push your little way out of my body. We'll be waiting with open arms... I think you'll know us when you see us.

Hugs and kisses,

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

39 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

39 weeks and officially full-term! You are due next Tuesday and we can't wait to have you in our arms. We are praying you come on Monday or Tuesday (that we can have you home for Thanksgiving!)... but alas, there's a few more things your little body needs to do to prepare, I guess.

At this stage of development, your lungs are still preparing for your first breath. Your brain is developing still. And you are at a healthy birth weight. In fact, on Monday, Donna said you probably weigh about 7 pounds, 6 ounces! What a big girl!

(Side note - And what a testimony to God's power! When we found out there was a cyst on my placenta and some bleeding, we were also told that may inhibit your growth. But here you are - many weeks later - and weighing in at over 7 pounds!! The Lord has grown you strong and healthy and we are so very thankful for that!)

My "growing" symptoms: back ache (in the middle of my back), sore pelvis when I walk, difficulty sleeping, and more heartburn.
Look how big you are getting, Ruth!
This dress has been my go-to this pregnancy!
It was crazy taking our picture today - your daddy and I talked about how this could be the last weekly photo we take with you on the inside!

We really are praying that you come on Monday or Tuesday, but also that you are strong and healthy, and that we have a quick and smooth labor and delivery. Your daddy is also praying that I will be prepared for it all.... mentally, physically, and emotionally!

We have everything ready at home, I think: our hospital bags are packed, your clothes are washed and put away, the diapers are ready to go, your cradle is made and laden with cozy blankets... now we just need YOU to bring home.

You were so funny tonight. As I read to you from Psalm, you got so active. Your daddy filmed my tummy as you rolled, stretched, and moved to the sound of my voice and the words of the Lord. You delight us. Thank you.

Love and see you soon, baby girl!
- Mama

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

38 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Date Night!! As soon as I got home from work, we listened to your heart for a few minutes then headed out on our date night! One of mine and your daddy's favorite date nights is going to WalMart with $5 or $10 each, walking around together, then splitting up and buying each other a present. We meet back at the front of the store, exchange gifts, then usually grab an icecream at McDonald's before we go home.

So that's what we did tonight! We each got $10 to spend, so after walking around and looking at everything, we split up. Your daddy bought me some yarn (so pretty and soft and chunky! I'm going to make something for myself with - which I rarely do these days!), some peppermint hot cocoa, and some nail polish. I bought him a red toy truck model (similar to his Ford F150), some new sticky notes, and some hot cocoa also!

We decided to eat dinner at McDonald's, since it was right there in Walmart, and we exchanged gifts over some chicken sandwiches, fries, and root beer.... then we went to the movies!

The "Peanuts" movie came out recently, so we decided (kind of on a whim this weekend) to go see it. We rarely see movies in the theater, but this is the second one we've seen in less than a month!
Your cute daddy and the Peanuts gang!

That's me!
At first, we were the only ones in the theater (which was awesome) but then more families came in. We had a great time eating chocolate-covered cookie dough and peanut M&Ms. And the movie was sooooo cute, Ruth! I think you liked it, too - you got so wiggly toward the end (and made me feel so wiggly, too!). I love how they used both 3D art and classic "cartoon" art to make the movie. It really kept the spirit of "Peanuts" alive!

We went home after the movie, relaxed, and just enjoyed the end of our date night together. 

I'm so glad your daddy and I were able to sneak in some more time together before you come... but we want you to come soon! 

Lots of hugs and kisses,

Monday, November 16, 2015

38 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

We had another appointment today... and no change from last week. It isn't as frustrating this week. I have a renewed peace that the Lord knows all your days (including the first one) and will send you out when it's time.

You aren't real active during the day... but come night time, when I'm stretched out in bed, relaxing with your daddy, you start to wriggle and squirm and dance all over the place! Your daddy loves listening to your heartbeat and we laugh when you push back against his ear. You seem to enjoy having some personal space sometimes (just like your mama).

We've been reading to you from the Book of Psalm. Sometimes, it seems to relax you but sometimes it does the opposite. I pray that you grow to know and love the Word of God, little one, and I'm so excited to get to help spurn that passion in your life.

Tomorrow night, your daddy and I are going on a date... I can't wait! We'll even let you tag along this time... :)


Sunday, November 15, 2015

38 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today was (maybe) one of our last Sundays without you in our arms! I know everyone is so excited to meet you... and we are too. Soon and very soon, we'll be standing in worship and sitting during the sermon just cradling you in our arms rather than in my tummy... and just in time for Christmas!

I think this Christmas will be special, and not just because it will be our first as a family of three. I think I will see Christmas in a new way - God sent his only Son to the world as a vulnerable baby. And I'll have a little vulnerable baby with me, too. I already can't imagine purposefully sending you to a people who will eventually mock and kill you... but that's what the Lord did. Out of His great love and mercy, He sent Christ to us. As a babe. Born in a barn.


But praise Him for it.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

38 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

What a fun day we had today!

Memaw and I went into Anchorage for a craft show. The craft show was big and we had fun walking around, talking, and just being together. I had a lot of people ask me when you are due... and quite a few people said I looked "great" or "tiny." I guess I'll take it?!

Craft shows are one of my favorite things of the holiday season. I love walking around and seeing the crafty things people can make. There were some really cute stuffed Santa Claus figurines with snowshoes wearing plaid and carrying bags of gifts. I wanted to buy one for your daddy but they were way too expensive... sad. There were also a cute nativity scene made from peg dolls, but that was too expensive, also! We did end up getting you some presents - a pair of fabric Cowboy Boots and a polar fleece car seat cover.

Then we went to Aunty Hannah's baby shower! Little baby Kennedy will arrive in January and it is so much fun that Hannah and I are expecting our first babies together... we've been friends since second grade! Hannah and Brandon are going to be great parents. I hope you and their baby grow up to be friends, too.
Bump to Bunmp.

Friend Bumps!

After the baby shower (PS - I won the game where we had to guess how big Hannah's belly is - I have very recent experience with that!), your daddy and I toured the hospital. We saw the rooms where we'll deliver, the nursery, the tub room, the C-section room, the waiting room... it's so weird to think that you'll enter the world there in no more than 3 weeks! (If you don't come any sooner, they'll induce me on December 5th.) It felt... surreal. And exciting!

Your daddy and I just relaxed after the tour: we watched some shows on Netflix and hung out together. Not many more evenings like that for us!


Thursday, November 12, 2015

38 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts,

Today was Soup Day at work! I quite enjoy soup day... it's a fun break from the tedium of day-to-day tasks and a nice opportunity to chat with people. I'm going to miss the December and January Soup Days (because I'll be home with YOU!!!) so today was my last one for a while. I had moose and potato soup. Mmm....

I'm hoping it snows soon. Soup tastes so much better when it's snowing outside!


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

38 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

Some people say you're full term now! How exciting! 30 weeks ago, I was afraid people were going to find out about you too soon... but now, there's no hiding that you're on your way!

At 38 weeks, all systems are "GO!" for you! Your lungs are stronger and your vocal chords are warming up for some good hearty wails when you enter the world. And, judging by the heartburn I've had, you could have up to an inch of hair on your little head! Wow! Good thing you have lots of headbands at home! Your body is shedding its vernix and lanugo and is in turn producing meconium.

As for me, I'm experiencing heartburn, a sore back, fatigue, and lots of emotions!
Growing Bump.

Bump Hug.

People at work are funny: I get comments about being a "jar of Prego", people asking why I'm still at the office, etc. I'm never sure what to say, so I usually just laugh awkwardly and walk away. I hope you have better social skills than me, baby girl!!

Last night at the breastfeeding class, we watched a video of babies being put on their mama's chests and scooting (or throwing or wiggling) their way down to the breast to nurse. Your daddy and I talked about whether or not how an infant reaches the breast is indicative of their personality and we wondered how you will get in position to nurse. Based on how wiggly you are in the evenings, we think you'll just throw yourself down there! But at the same time, you are so mellow and shy during our ultrasounds... I'm so excited to watch your little personality grow and grow.

Your daddy and I also discussed my maternity leave. I may start it on November 23rd (just a week and a half away!). I can't believe you can be here with us so soon, baby girl. Today, at our midwife appointment, we'll hear if my body has progressed at all in its preparations to meet you... I hope it has! I'm getting excited!

But hold in there as long as you want... the Lord knows all the days ordained for you, before one of them has come to be, and He will tell you "NOW!" when the time is right.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

37 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

I had a long conversation with some ladies at work today about breastfeeding... and how hard it is.... and how painful it is! So needless to say, I was a little wary when your daddy and I went to our breastfeeding class tonight at the hospital.

But the instructor (who helped install your carseats last weekend AND taught our childbirth class) said that, while breastfeeding may be uncomfortable, it shouldn't hurt. If it does, it's probably because of a poor latch.

So now I feel better knowing that.

I'm so thankful that our pediatrician has a lactation consultant on staff to help address and alleviate any issues that come up as I feed you. And I'm thankful that our insurance provided a breast pump so that you can continue to drink my milk when I return to work. The Lord is so good to work out even little things.

Also, why have you started getting so wiggly at about 9:00pm?! The last two nights you have just moved and bumped and wiggled and danced around my tummy! It's a little uncomfortable, baby girl, but I also love it. So feel free to keep going, as long as you let me sleep a little, too.


Monday, November 9, 2015

37 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

I picked up the laundry I washed for you yesterday from Memaw and Papa's house... and Papa had folded it all into the laundry basket for me. It was so sweet. I took the clothes home, sorted, and put them away. You have a full dresser and a full plastic tote in the closet. You are going to be so stylish... Your daddy and I even picked out some new winter-type boots for you to wear! They'll be here for Christmas.

We love you. And we pray that, while you may look stylish, your identity is never grounded in your looks.


PS - Breakfast cookie snack with your Daddy before he went to class tonight!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

37 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Happy weekend! Today was delightful - just what the doctor ordered!

The morning started out with a phone call from Janelle - she had a dream about me last night, and just wanted to call and see how we were doing. I sent her these updated baby bump pictures:

Saturday Bump Style 
Bump Bump.

Next, your daddy and I got your carseat bases installed! The Jeep took a couple tries, but was pretty simple - you are in the back seat in the middle. The truck was a little more difficult and took more trial and error... you have to ride shotgun in the truck! I'm glad we got it all sorted out though. The base and seat are in Jeep right now, anticipating your arrival!

After that, we ate a quick lunch at Taco Bell. Yummmm.

Then, we went home. Your daddy worked on homework and I made a Christmas present for you while watching "The Holiday." It was really relaxing.

Memaw is out of town visiting Blaire...
Mom and Blaire...

... so Papa came over tonight! After dinner (chicken wrapped in bacon and veggies), we played Rummy, ate ice cream, and just chatted:
Reraxing in the living room.

Ruth, the Lord has given your papa such insight into the need to be prepared for emergencies. His favorite saying is, "It's better to have and not need that need and not have." And there were times growing up when I thought it was a little extreme... but I have so much respect now for how he plans ahead and encourages others to do to the same. He wants to get some things in place at FLBC so that we are prepared for emergencies and can assist church members when needed. I really encouraged him to do so, knowing that not everyone shares his same passion.

We'll get to encourage you in your God-given passions and talents soon, too. I'm excited to see what they are and how the Lord uses them. I pray you grow into the woman He desires for you to be, little one.

Thanks for relaxing with me today - your tummy tickles and strong legs make me laugh.


Friday, November 6, 2015

37 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

I think the Fall Festival and Winter Clothing Giveaway were a success!

I feel like I need to write a whole post about the box maze that your daddy built with the help of his guys, but alas - I'll just post lots of pictures to commemorate it's development:
Pile of 1000 flat rate boxes.

Starting to build walls.

Complete! Now being taped together.

The entrance.
This maze - the centerpiece of the Festival - was pretty epic. There were tunnels to crawl through, half walls to trick people, dead-ends, and more. Your daddy is so creative and I love how, when he puts his mind to something, he gets it done! 

Other activities at the Festival included:
  • Bonfire and tractor rides outside
  • Hotdogs, chips, and lemonade
  • Face painting
  • Pumpkin Patch
Break open the squash or pumpkin for candy!
  • "Guess the Candies" in a jar
  • Cupcake walk
  • Making Indian headbands
  • Bubbles!
  • Beanbag Toss
Try to get the beanbag in the hole!

Here's a picture of the whole fellowship hall:
Hooray, Fall Festival!

The Winter Clothing Giveaway didn't garner as much participation as we'd hoped. I take that back - we had a ton of items donated! But not a ton of items taken. We're going to leave it set up for Sunday so that church members can receive items then, if needed. Memaw, Juliet, and I had a lot of fun sitting and chatting at the clothing giveaway. And Memaw may or may not have done some interpretive dancing... You'll love Memaw, Ruthie - she is the best.

But even though not a lot of people came through, the ones who did were really blessed. And that's what the Lord reminded me, little one - that we were planning these events (as stressful and crazy as they were) so that the Lord would be glorified, not me or the church. So I hope (and pray) that He was.

So there we go. The last "big event" is done. Praise the Lord.

A very tired Mama

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

37 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

At 37 weeks, you are now the size of a large cantaloupe... though when I feel your baby butt on one side of my tummy and a little foot pushing on the other, I imagine this "large cantaloupe" has to have pretty lengthy arms and legs! This week, you're getting some antibodies from me to prepare to fight germs outside my tummy, your fingers have more dexterity (are you grabbing onto that cyst now?!), and you may even be sucking your thumb!

I feel you wiggling down low these days - I think I sometimes feel your head moving side-to-side down between my hips. And according to the doctor yesterday, you are indeed pretty low in there! (In fact, she was able to feel your head with her fingers during my exam - that's crazy!). 

I've had heartburn, difficulty sleeping, and a very forgetful brain lately. But you are growing more and more, so by consequence, I am too:

It was difficult, trying to zip this hoodie!
Already in my pajamas :) 

It's so funny - this week, within about 30 minutes, some people told me, "You look tiny!" and others told me, "You look huge!" I'm not sure which was to take it... all I know is that it's mroe and more difficult to pick things up off the floor, zip my clothes and coats, and get out of bed in the morning. Sometimes your daddy has to help with all those things (and I know he wishes I would ask him to help more; he doesn't like seeing me try to do it all myself.).

Tonight, we spent Bible study preparing for the Fall Festival and Winter Clothing Drive. We sorted clothes, made signs, decorated boxes for the bean bag toss, put yarn on bubble containers, and prayed that things would go smoothly. Just a couple more days and this, too, will be behind us. It's the last big thing before you come and I'm excited to put myself on "bed rest" this weekend to recuperate!

Auntie Jade's birthday is in one week and Uncle Jeff's birthday is in 5 days... then you're birthday will be here soon, too! Keep growing, Ruth - can't wait to meet you soon!


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

36 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

It's doctor appointment day! We're down to weekly appointments and today, your daddy and I met the last doctor at the office. She did an exam and told us that my body is starting to prepare to meet you! Things are changing and thinning and growing, so that's pretty exciting. Your heartbeat sounded good - we got to listen for about a minute or so, which was neat. We always love hearing your little heart, beating so strong.

Then tonight, for date night, we ordered a pizza (which was delicious!) and just relaxed at home.. until we saw the Northern Lights dancing outside! Then we drove up to Hatcher's Pass to watch them. That was fun. They were green and pink, just streaking across the night sky, right by the Big Dipper. I hadn't seen them like that in years, if ever, and was just amazed. Your daddy and I thin kit would be awesome if they came out on the night you are born, too, but we'll see. That also sparked a conversation about whether or not there were Northern Lights the night Christ was born. Perhaps not in Bethlehem, but maybe elsewhere in the world...

Out our apartment window.
These nights - of just me and your daddy - are fleeting, so we're trying to soak them all in while we can.

I'm glad tonight was relaxed - the rest of the week will be crazy as we finish preparing for the Fall Festival and Winter Clothing Giveaway!


Sunday, November 1, 2015

36 Weeks, 4 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

What a delightful weekend your daddy and I had together! I feel spoiled from our time together and just want to remember all of it. Here are some highlights:

  • Sleeping in Saturday morning. We didn't have plans to get up early or do anything prior to going to town... except packing our bag! So we just relaxed and hung out. So nice.
  • Shopping! We finished our Christmas shopping this weekend, for everyone except each other and you, Ruthie. We did get a few more treasures for you (including a Christmas ornament). But everyone else is done!! Now, we get to wrap presents, ship some boxes, and just enjoy the season and being new parents (after you arrive). Here are some fun things we saw while shopping, neither of which we purchased, but both of which I may try to DIY:
A beautiful embroidered "Joy" pillow at Pier 1 Imports

A bearded manly ornament from Kohls
  • Dinner at Olive Garden. First, we split some stuffed mushrooms. Then your daddy got a "Tour of Italy" with pasta and chicken. I ordered some grilled chicken and delicious veggies. We had salad, soup, and breadsticks. I had a lemonade and your daddy had tea. We had the best time, just talking about being parents, and being together!
  • Going to the movies. We watched "PAN", thanks to a Fandango giftcard from Fred and Betty last Christmas - it was pretty good! It was a different perspective of one of my favorite stories - i.e., how Peter ended up in Neverland. Your daddy and I agree that we'd like to see the "in-between" story now: how Hook turned bad and how he and Peter became enemies. How Tink came to live with Peter and the Lost Boys. Maybe they'll make another one.
  • Hotel. We spent the night at a hotel in Anchorage and though the heat didn't work in our room (and neither did the TV), we had fun playing Rummy, eating breakfast-in-bed, and just generally relaxing together. 
Morning picture after a good night's rest on a king-size bed!
  • Coffee and Books. We went to Barnes & Noble for coffee Sunday morning. I felt guilty, not being in church, but we really loved getting to drink coffee, look at magazines, pick out a Christmas book, and walk around. We decided on a new Christmas tradition: we'll get a new Christmas book every year to read together as a family! We're excited to start that tradition with you in a few weeks. 
  • Cabelas! Your daddy got a Cabelas gift card for his birthday from Memaw and Papa. After walking around, looking at all the tresures, your daddy picked out some things: a new hat, an extendable snow brush for his truck, a keychain, and some fake bullets for the 9mm. Then, we stayed and ate lunch in their cafe (yummy, yummy!). But Ruthie, even just pulling into the parking lot and seeing this sign made the long drive to the South side of town so much more fun:
Reserved for expecting moms and families of young children!
We headed home after Cabelas and just relaxed before going to Memaw and Papa's for dinner and to do laundry. I wish the weekend didn't have to end, but it ended on such a relaxing and fun note. Your daddy and I felt refreshed, renewed in our marriage, and looking forward even more to you joining our family.

We love you,