Wednesday, September 30, 2015

32 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

Just (about) eight more weeks! At 32 weeks this week, you are almost ready to make your debut! All of your organs are developed and your lungs are getting a workout as you inhale amniotic fluid. Your fingernails are all developed (and toe nails aren't far behind) and they say you sleep 90-95% of the time. Based on how active you've been lately, I'm not so sure I believe them...

Bump shots:
This gray shirt? One of the comfiest I own!


It's so funny - when I lay down on my back at night, I can feel you settling in, spreading out some, and getting comfy. When I turn onto my side to sleep, I feel you slide over to the left then seem to brace yourself up against my side! It's like you're saying, "Whoa! What's going on?! I have to get re-positioned now!" It takes you a few minutes to settle back down. Then, when I move or swap sides, I often feel you moving around, too. At almost 4 pounds and about 19 inches long, I'm not surprised it takes you a while to get comfy in those cramped quarters!

Your daddy asked me, "What does it feel like when she moves?" I had him hold out his hand and I poked it a little and said, "Imagine that... but from the inside." It's a feeling that I've never experienced, that I don't know how to explain, but that I love. Feeling you move (and seeing you move!) never ceases to amaze me. Lately, I've been able to pinpoint a little better what body part I'm feeling - often a foot or hand, I think. Sometimes when you kick my side, I rub that place a little and feel you moving around more.

Before we know it, you'll be moving in my arms rather than my tummy. This time has passed so quickly, Ruthie, and we can't wait to welcome you into our family.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

31 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today is National Coffee Day! Your daddy and I looooove coffee (and especially coffee dates) and since this "holiday" coincided with Date Night, we stopped and got some (10 cent!) coffees at Holiday then walked around WalMart.

Coffee Date! 

Holding my Coffee

Your awesome daddy and his coffee

We didn't buy anything at WalMart (though we're currently in the market for a new camera...) but we enjoyed just walking around, talking, holding hands, and drinking coffee. Low key but so so fun.


Monday, September 28, 2015

31 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

We saw Donna today! Memaw went with me to my appointment today (since your daddy was in class). Donna said you're still measuring a little small (at 30 weeks instead of almost 32) but she said you're curled up in a ball, which could explain it. Your head was in a perfect position, your butt was sticking out to the right, and you had a foot over by my left side. Your heartbeat sounded beautiful - like a beating drum or pounding hammer - and was a steady 139-141 BPM.

Donna said she had absolutely no concerns whatsoever and is pleased with how well things are going... and she was shocked we're almost through! I am, too. I can't believe there's just (about) 2 more months until we get to meet you.

Memaw mentioned that Grandma Vi's birthday was in early December. How special would it be for you to be born on that day, since you are named (in part) after her? But that would also mean you are about 2 weeks late... Eek.

Either way, little one, I'm so so glad you're doing well. Keep growing. Keep wiggling. Keep bringing joy to us - I know you will.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

31 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Tonight, I watched the play "Jane Eyre" with Juliet and Ana at Valley Performing Arts! We had such a fun time, just chatting and being together:
Ana, Juliet, and me
At one point, Juliet leaned over and whispered, "Can you imagine Ruthie up there one day?" Right now, no! I want you to be little in my tummy, safe from rejection and fear and hurt, forever!

But simultaneously, Ruth, I so desperately want you to grow into the woman the Lord wants you to be... and I know you can't do that while remaining in the womb. I want you to laugh and dance and really LIVE, experiencing the joy (and the pain) that come along with it.

It kind of reminds me of when I was in India a couple years ago (or, like 6 years ago!). One day, we went to a small "mountain" near a village and climbed to the top with some locals. There was a rock about halfway up and I, along with a couple other girls, climbed the rock. The view from the top was amazing. We could see the whole valley below us. But then the guys called to us, telling us that there was another rock a little further up that we should all climb. To be honest, Ruth, I didn't want to - I was content and comfortable with the view I had there. But I remember thinking, "What if the view is even better at the other rock? Will I settle for this one when the other one could be great?" So I climbed down, walked up the mountain, and scampered up the other rock. And baby girl - the view was so much better. We were way above the trees, above everything, and could see for miles:
Taking it in.

I just remember the Lord whispering to my heart - "Don't settle for the lower rock." And I'm so glad I didn't.

I hope you never settle for the lower rock, dear daughter. Whether that means auditioning for a play instead of sitting in the audience, swinging for a home run instead of bunting, or following the Lord to other countries instead of spending your summers at home, I hope you always strive for the higher rock. I hope you always follow the Lord to that rock.

And in those hard moments, remember Psalm 61:2 - "From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."


Friday, September 25, 2015

31 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Maybe I'm not sleeping as well as I thought I was... when I woke up this morning, my hair told a crazy story. You can't tell, but the back of it was all sticky-upy, too!

All Over Da Place!

Memaw bought me these silk pajamas, which are so nice to wear to bed... but already it is almost too short to cover you, especially first thing in the morning when you're really sticking out.

Almost too-short pajamas!

It always makes me giggle, how much you stick out sometimes (and how far back in you push yourself sometimes!). 

You certainly have your moments of activity and rest - so far today, you've been pretty active, but yesterday was pretty quiet. We can't wait to see how your personality post-birth matches what you've done in the womb.

Love you, baby girl!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

31 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

Last night, laying in bed with your daddy, I felt your elbow (or foot or something!) moving sharply across my side, just below my ribs. I yelped, your daddy looked, and I exclaimed, "I felt that move!" At 31 weeks, you are getting stronger and stronger and your mama sure notices it! (I love it. I love laying in bed, watching you tumble and move. I love being able to feel where part of you is, even though I can't always tell what part it is!)

This week, your lungs are developing more as you prepare for your first big cry and deep breaths. Your little body is plumping up, the hair covering your body is shedding, and you can turn your head from side to side - good practice for nursing in a couple months! Your little brain is developing like crazy - which is why your daddy and I read to you often, sing you songs, and talk to you.

Meanwhile, I've had leg cramps at night that wake me up! Last night, there was one in my foot AND in my lower calf. Weird. My midwife said some time ago to eat 2-3 servings of calcium during the day, so I'm trying that now. I've also been eating lots of mints at work.... but I haven't really had any odd cravings. Which is good - I'm not sure my growing tummy could handle icecream and pickles right now.
I. Love. This. Shirt. So cozy!!

Big bump!

I think you like the spicy foods I've been eating - the soup we had last night had some kick to it... and you sure did, too, when we laid down to sleep!

Oh silly girl - I love you! Can't wait to hold you and cuddle you.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

30 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Tuesdays are "Date Night" for your daddy and me. Every Tuesday night, we do something special, just the two of us. It may be low-key (dinner and a movie at home) or more than that (hiking in the mountains or dessert in town).

But today, your daddy turned it into "Date Day!" He brought me a yummy pumpkin spice coffee and beautiful yellow flowers that are on my desk at work right now. What a surprise to turn around and see him standing by my desk!
Fun fall flowers!! <3

Tonight, we had a low-key date night: Candy Crush and dinner :) Sometimes, when we run out of lives on Candy Crush, we joke and say, "We need lives!" and then laugh because we probably really do :)

We've been reading a book together some night called "Baby Wise" that a friend at church recommended to us - it's about establishing healthy routines for you. Lat night we read about the importance of sleep in infants and making sure you eat a full meal every time you feed. So much to remember!

Date nights are so important to us, and we want to continue them after you are born. So one night a week, little one, you can expect that mommy and daddy will have time, just the two of us, to reconnect. Our relationship has to be the most important so that you can grow up secure. We're committed to that.

Love you lots,

Monday, September 21, 2015

30 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Almost every day at work and church someone asks me when I'm due, what gender you are, if we've picked a name... it delights my heart how excited everyone is to meet you!

Tonight I went to the knitting Bible study at church. The ladies asked what we need for you, and honestly, the answer is "not much!" Auntie Betty was soo sweet and generous, buying most of what we need, and Auntie Holly and family teamed up to get the other big things! You have lots of clothes up through 9 months (and some after that, even!) and we don't have a ton of storage space for diapers... so I think we're mostly asking for giftcards. Then, when you outgrow your cradle, we can buy you a crib, mattress, etc. and we can buy diapers when you need them.

On Sunday, I mentioned in Sunday School the excellent news we had from the specialist last week - I know people were praying for us and I am so thankful that the Lord heard and answered as He did! You are being covered in prayer every day, little one, and I can't wait to see how the Lord uses you.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

30 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

I confess - when our college kids left early last night, it felt so good to slide into bed and relax! I was exhausted, to say the least!

We spent some time today decorating your room a little - your daddy laughs at me because I get in these "nesting" phases where all I want to do is clean, organize, and prepare. Here's a sneak peak:

Some little decorations to make your room cozy!

Your room is also going to be the study... and the guest room... and the craft / storage room. But I guess that's what happens when we life in a 2-bedroom apartment!

Today we also picked up some items from KD, went to WalMart, and worked on your cradle some more. It's almost done - I'm so thankful! The "antique white" that we're painting it is beautiful. Memaw and I even bought a mattress for you today; we'll have to make some sheets, since it's an odd size, but we have just enough time to do that!

Time is running out, little girly. Can't wait to meet you in a little over two months!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

30 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts,

You have been so active today! Countless times while sitting in meetings or at my desk, I've just watched you roll and tumble in my tummy. I'll put my hand on you and you'll squirm underneath, pushing against me with a hand, foot, or elbow. I grin and can hardly pay attention any more! This morning, while laying next to your daddy, you kept nudging him, too. I'm glad we could both feel you today. Keep it up! You delight your mama's heart.

Last night, your daddy and I were up way too late playing guitars together. We hadn't done that in far too long - the guitars were dusty! I felt you moving some; I think you liked us playing and singing together. I know your daddy is thrilled to get to teach you to play one day.
Such talent!

Your cousin Lincoln got a guitar for his birthday. I'm sure your daddy is planning to get you one, too - maybe pink or purple with an "R" for "Ruth" on it. Until then, we'll keep playing for you.

Christmas is only 99 days away! Excited to celebrate with you this year. I have to finish your stocking before too long so that it's ready to go... and we want to be DONE with Christmas shopping by early November. I know your daddy has started buying my presents already. We each get 4 this year: Something we want, something we need, something we'll wear, and something we'll read. Plus stocking stuffers :)

Okay, baby girl. Keep rocking and rolling in my tummy! I love it.

And I love you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

30 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

Today, we are 30 weeks into the pregnancy - three-fourths of the way through and just ten weeks left to go. Your hands are fully formed and fingernails are growing so that they can sport some fancy nail polish in a few years. Your brain is starting to wrinkle in preparation for all the knowledge you'll be learning. Your head and body are proportionate now, your fine downy hair covering is sloughing off, and your bone marrow is able to produce red blood cells. It's so amazing how your body has changed since that fateful day last spring!

At 30 weeks, I look like this:
Rainy Weather = Cozy Sweater!

Growing more and more!

A coworker mentioned today that they want to throw me a baby shower here at work. How sweet is that?!

I've been quite emotional lately, Ruthie! The silliest things have been setting me off: the other night, the sheets were too loose on mine and your daddy's bed so (of course) I started crying about it. Good golly. I've also been more tired: I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning, that's for sure, and usually I don't.

Your daddy asked me last night what I've learned about myself during this pregnancy. I hadn't really thought about it, but now I am. What have I learned?

  • I'll fight for you but the Lord will fight even more for you.
  • Community is vital: I don't know where we would be without the prayers, support, and generous gifts from our friends and family.
  • Your daddy is the best. So serving. So kind. So patient. You better find a good husband like I did - they are worth their weight in gold. 
We're considering having some family photos taken with you after you're born, preferably in our home... and maybe even with the photographer who did our wedding photos! But we'll see.

Oh, little one. I am praying for you and praising God for you! I love you to the moon.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

29 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

We had a followup with the specialist in Anchorage today. And she said that our complications are no longer cause for concern! There is still a cyst on my placenta, but it has not grown in relation to the placenta. The other two spots are "nothing to write home about" as she said. The specialist seemed delighted when she exclaimed, "This baby didn't get the memo that cysts mean she doesn't grow as well!" Hallelujah!! She even said that sometimes, babies will play with cysts they see on placentas, batting them around, but it didn't look like you paid any attention to it whatsoever, Ruthie Bug.

You weigh three pounds. We saw your hands, your feet, your spine, your heart, your head... everything except your face! You shy little thing, you had it tucked down into my pelvis, preparing for your entry into our world. And baby girl, the doctor exclaimed your heart to be "beautiful" multiple times!

How much more beautiful it will be when you ask Jesus into it.

God is so good to answer our prayers. Just this morning, I prayed that the spots wouldn't be a concern - that they wouldn't be there! And sure enough, we didn't even look at the other areas in detail. Not only that, but our specialist said she doesn't need to see us any more!

I'm so thankful. So blessed.

See you soon, baby girl. About 10 more weeks and we'll be cuddling you in our arms, not just in my tummy.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

29 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

I spent today watching the Beth Moore simulcast online. And baby girl, I was so blessed and encouraged. I want some audacity. And I pray you grow up with some, too.


Friday, September 11, 2015

29 Weeks, 2 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Today is the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. In 2001, I was in eighth grade. I remember driving to school with my mom and hearing about the attacks on the radio. I was confused and remember asking, "Why is this such a big deal?" Mom said something about terrorists - a word I wasn't familiar with in my little world in Alaska - but the way she said it, I knew it was different.

In Social Studies that year, we made news scrapbooks about the attacks and the aftermath. President Bush's national addresses. Declaring war. The spike in flag sales. The memorial services. I have that scrapbook at home still. Your daddy and I found it the other day and I looked through it again.

I'll show it to you sometime, perhaps when you hear about a national tragedy. Perhaps when you face a personal tragedy.

I think more than anything, the time immediately following 9/11 is a testimony to our nation's ability to unite, mourn, and move forward together. Surrounding yourself with people who love you, who support you - that's what helps you through those hard things. Some of that - a lot of that - has been lost in our current cultural climate. People are not united, unless they are united against other subgroups of the population.

I don't like that you are entering that world but oh, little one - your name means "Friend" and I hope and pray that you are a friend to others throughout your life.

On today, a day we remember tragedy, your daddy and I loved hearing your 156-beat heartbeat at our appointment this afternoon. We loved hearing that you are measuring at 28 weeks (which is normal). I loved getting to feel you move while I sat on the table talking to the doctor.

We love you, daughter.
- Mama

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

29 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

During my quiet time this morning, sitting in our big chair wrapped in our red cozy blanket, I felt you nudging my side with your elbow or hand. What were you thinking, little one? Do you know what I do in this mornings? How I bring you before the Lord, praying for you to be a woman who follows Him and dedicates her life to His service?

Today we are 29 weeks along. You weigh almost three pounds and are about 17 inches long! I can't wait to go to visit the doctor next week and have another ultrasound to check things out and (hopefully) see your little face. I haven't felt you hiccuping yet, but I do feel you moving a lot. It's hard to sit in meetings with a straight face when my daughter is dancing away in my belly! Your bones are getting harder (is that why I can feel you more now?) so I've got to consume lots of calcium in the coming weeks!

Here's the bump this week:
More and more people are mentioning the bump.

Still no "outie" belly button.

I walked into our apartment last night and there was a big box on the couch from your Aunt Holly. She sent up some of your cousin Katie's things for you to have. The sweetest sleepers, dresses, and sweaters were included in the box that was stuffed to the brim. It will be fun to take photos of you in them and send them down to Aunt Holly to see.

I'm trying to be more consistent in my workouts to be better prepared to bring you into this world. I've heard that labor and delivery is a marathon, not a sprint, so I'm trying to plan accordingly... But I'm also praying that it goes quickly and doesn't drag out for too long.

I guess it's also time to start thinking about what to take to the hospital to welcome you, what else we need for your nursery (finish the cradle, get a mattress and sheets, etc.), and nursing clothes for me. Just 11 more weeks (give or take)!

Love you, little one.
- Mama

Monday, September 7, 2015

28 Weeks, 5 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

This weekend, your Auntie Jade and Auntie Hannah and I...

Painted pottery...
Group photo... and awkward smile.

Auntie Hannah

Auntie Jade


Watched "Enchanted" and ate cookies in mugs...

Shopped at Value Village's half-off Labor Day Sale...
New shirt!

Took many group photos...

MJH 4 Lyfe

And said goodbye to Auntie Jade at the airport.

Until we meet again!

Such a fun weekend of seeing old girlfriends, hanging out, and chatting. I hope you have wonderful friends too, my sweet daughter, who can laugh with you and encourage you and feel your tummy when your baby starts wiggling during movie night. 

They're the best kinds. 


PS - Your daddy had never been to the Alaska Wildberry Store! So after dropping Auntie Jade off at the airport, we took a quick trip over there. Here's his obligatory photo in front of the World's Largest Indoor Chocolate Waterfall (oooooh). 
PPS - Tonight, we are working on your cradle at Memaw and Papa's house. I'm hoping we get a lot done... or at least started! Time is running out until your arrival!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

28 Weeks, 3 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

Yesterday, Auntie Jade and I met Auntie Hannah in Anchorage for some gallivanting. We ate lunch together, then Auntie Jade and I went shopping. It was so sweet to be all together again, the three of us!

Your daddy and I hosted the college group at our apartment last night. It was a fun time of study (being faithful to God's word) and hanging out. Can't wait for you to join us!

Then today, I had a meeting at church, we got new phones, we watched a movie (well, your daddy watched a movie and I napped), and we hung out. It was so nice and relaxing.

Tomorrow, Auntie Jade and Auntie Hannah are spending the night at our apartment. I'm not sure what we'll do yet... but I hope we have fun!

Now, let's get some rest.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

28 Weeks, 1 Day

Dear Baby Batts,

We picked Auntie Jade up at the airport last night and look at the sweet presents she brought you!

Mountain Grown Club. 
Not pictured: a sweet floral sleeper, a onesie, and a flower headband. 

You. Are. Loved.
- Mama

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

28 Weeks

Dear Baby Batts,

We are in the home stretch! As of today, I'm officially in the third trimester and there are just (approximately) 12 more weeks until we hold you in our arms - and not just in my ever-growing tummy. At 28 weeks, you can open and close your eyes and bat those little eyelashes. You can even sense light through my tummy! When you nap, you can enter into REM sleep and possibly dream. You are growing well - about 2 and a half pounds and 16 inches long from head to toe - and we'll get to see you again on September 15th when we visit with the specialist in Anchorage again. I hate that we have to walk through this specialist stuff with you, Ruth, but I must confess - I love getting to see more pictures of you as you develop!

Here's how my bump is developing:
Little bump with the fur.

So compact!
Last night, Memaw, your daddy, and I went to the Alaska State Fair. We ate yummy food (I had kabobs, an icecream bar, and lemonade!) and just walked around. None of us bought anything, we didn't go on any rides, and we didn't play any carnival games... but it was a beautiful evening and we had a great time!
Me and your daddy standing by the pretty flowers.

Memaw and me sitting in the sunshine.

Little cow!

Your handsome daddy talking to a big cow.

We have lots to get done today - grocery shopping, baking muffins, church tonight, pick up Auntie Jade at the airport, and getting lots of beauty rest for work picture day tomorrow! And most of all, we have to celebrate making it to our third trimester, feeling you move everyday, and knowing that the Lord has great things in store for your little life.

We love you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

27 Weeks, 6 Days

Dear Baby Batts,

You and I had a busy night last night, didn't we?! We picked up our laundry basket, cooked dinner and ate with your daddy, said goodbye to him as he went to class, and got to work! We put up some fall decorations, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, prepped the nursery / study / guest room for Auntie Jade to come (on Wednesday!!!!!), crocheted some on your Christmas stocking, made a (very long) grocery list, planned some meals for this week, and scrubbed the shower.

I was tired but feeling so motivated by the time we climbed into bed after your daddy got home!

You took advantage of that quiet time in bed by performing your own acrobats and darling, you sure had me laughing! I could watch my tummy move as you moved and tumbled around in there, squirming to get comfy, then stretching out and turning over again. Your daddy asked me, "What does it feel like when she moves inside?" and I wasn't sure how to explain it. Finally, I said, "Imagine you're trapped in a balloon and you're moving around to stretch it out and make room. That's what it feels like."

This morning, you were wiggly all over again. I told your daddy, "I think Ruth will be a morning person like you!" and he got excited. I'm picturing the two of you bonding and cuddling over his cup of coffee and your bottle of breast milk while I sleep in for another hour!

Looking forward to having you in my arms in about three months!
